Second Order Sections (SoS) Filter

The SosFilter class provides an implementation of a Second Order Sections (SoS) filter. For more information please see series second-order sections as well as Digital Biquad Filter.

API Reference

Header File


template<size_t N, class SectionImpl>
class SosFilter

Second Order Sections Filter.

Subclassed by espp::ButterworthFilter< ORDER, Impl >

Public Functions

inline explicit SosFilter(const std::array<TransferFunction<3>, N> &config)

Construct a second order sections filter.


config – Array of TransferFunction<3> for configuring each of the biquad sections.

inline float update(float input)

Filter the signal sampled by input, updating internal state, and returning the filtered output.


input – New sample of the input data.


Filtered output based on input and history.

inline float operator()(float input)

Filter the signal sampled by input, updating internal state, and returning the filtered output.


input – New sample of the input data.


Filtered output based on input and history.