Second Order Sections (SoS) Filter
The SosFilter class provides an implementation of a Second Order Sections (SoS) filter. For more information please see series second-order sections as well as Digital Biquad Filter.
API Reference
Header File
template<size_t N, class SectionImpl>
class SosFilter Second Order Sections Filter.
Subclassed by espp::ButterworthFilter< ORDER, Impl >
Public Functions
inline explicit SosFilter(const std::array<TransferFunction<3>, N> &config)
Construct a second order sections filter.
- Parameters
config – Array of TransferFunction<3> for configuring each of the biquad sections.
inline float update(float input)
Filter the signal sampled by input, updating internal state, and returning the filtered output.
- Parameters
input – New sample of the input data.
- Returns
Filtered output based on input and history.
inline float operator()(float input)
Filter the signal sampled by input, updating internal state, and returning the filtered output.
- Parameters
input – New sample of the input data.
- Returns
Filtered output based on input and history.
inline explicit SosFilter(const std::array<TransferFunction<3>, N> &config)