Logging APIs


Format is a simple component which exposes libfmt for use within esp-idf as a single include.


The logger provides a cross-platform wrapper around libfmt for providing configurable log output with different levels that can be turned on / off at runtime.

Code examples for the logging API are provided in the logger example folder.

API Reference

Header File




class Logger

Logger provides a wrapper around nicer / more robust formatting than standard ESP_LOG* macros with the ability to change the log level at run-time. Logger currently is a light wrapper around libfmt (future std::format).

To save on code size, the logger has the ability to be compiled out based on the log level set in the sdkconfig. This means that if the log level is set to ERROR, all debug, info, and warn logs will be compiled out. This is done by checking the log level at compile time and only compiling in the functions that are needed.

The logger can also be compiled with support for cursor commands. This allows the logger to move the cursor up, down, clear the line, clear the screen, and move the cursor to a specific position. This can be useful for creating various types of interactive output or to maintian context with long-running logs.

Basic Example

    float num_seconds_to_run = 10.0f;
    // create loggers
    auto logger = espp::Logger({.tag = "Cool Logger", .level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::DEBUG});
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    float elapsed = std::chrono::duration<float>(now - start).count();
    while (elapsed < num_seconds_to_run) {
      now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      elapsed = std::chrono::duration<float>(now - start).count();
      auto remaining = num_seconds_to_run - elapsed;
      logger.debug("debug: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} - {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} = {}", now, start, elapsed);
      logger.info("elapsed: {:.3f}s", elapsed);
      logger.warn("remaining: {:.3f}s", remaining);
      if (remaining < 0) {
        logger.error("You overstayed your welcome by {:.03}s!", -remaining);

Threaded Logging and Verbosity Example

    // create loggers
    auto logger1 = espp::Logger(
        {.tag = "Thread 1", .rate_limit = 500ms, .level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::INFO});
    auto logger2 = espp::Logger(
        {.tag = "Thread 2", .rate_limit = 1s, .level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::DEBUG});
    // lambda for logging to those two loggers from multiple threads
    auto logger_fn = [](espp::Logger *logger) {
      size_t loop_iteration{0};
      while (true) {
        // log - note: debug shouldn't be shown!
        logger->debug("some debug info: {}", loop_iteration);
        logger->info("some info: {}", loop_iteration);
        logger->warn("some warning: {}", loop_iteration);
        logger->error("some error: {}", loop_iteration);
        logger->info_rate_limited("some rate limited info: {}", loop_iteration);
        // update loop variables
        // sleep
    // start two threads, binding the lambda to each logger
    auto logger1_thread = std::thread(std::bind(logger_fn, &logger1));
    auto logger2_thread = std::thread(std::bind(logger_fn, &logger2));
    uint8_t level{static_cast<uint8_t>(espp::Logger::Verbosity::DEBUG)};
    // every 1 second, change the loggers' verbosity
    while (true) {
      // update the loggers' verbosity
      if (level > static_cast<uint8_t>(espp::Logger::Verbosity::NONE)) {
        level = static_cast<uint8_t>(espp::Logger::Verbosity::DEBUG);
      espp::Logger::Verbosity verbosity = static_cast<espp::Logger::Verbosity>(level);
      // sleep

Cursor Commands Example

    float num_seconds_to_run = 10.0f;
    // create loggers
    auto logger = espp::Logger({.tag = "Cursor Commands", .level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::DEBUG});
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    float elapsed = std::chrono::duration<float>(now - start).count();
    logger.info("Long running log... {}", elapsed);
    while (elapsed < num_seconds_to_run) {
      now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      elapsed = std::chrono::duration<float>(now - start).count();
      auto remaining = num_seconds_to_run - elapsed;
      logger.info("Long running log... {}", remaining);

Public Types

enum class Verbosity

Verbosity levels for the logger, in order of increasing priority.


enumerator DEBUG

Debug level verbosity.

enumerator INFO

Info level verbosity.

enumerator WARN

Warn level verbosity.

enumerator ERROR

Error level verbosity.

enumerator NONE

No verbosity - logger will not print anything.

Public Functions

inline explicit Logger(const Config &config)

Construct a new Logger object.


config – configuration for the logger.

inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_verbosity() const

Get the current verbosity for the logger.


The current verbosity level.

inline void set_verbosity(const espp::Logger::Verbosity level)

Change the verbosity for the logger.


level – new verbosity level

inline void set_tag(const std::string_view tag)

Change the tag for the logger.


tag – The new tag.

inline const std::string &get_tag() const

Get the current tag for the logger.


A const reference to the current tag.

inline void set_include_time(bool include_time)

Whether to include the time in the log.


The time is in seconds since boot and is represented as a floating point number with precision to the millisecond.


include_time – Whether to include the time in the log.

inline void set_rate_limit(const std::chrono::duration<float> rate_limit)

Change the rate limit for the logger.


Only calls that have _rate_limited suffixed will be rate limited.


rate_limit – The new rate limit.

inline std::chrono::duration<float> get_rate_limit() const

Get the current rate limit for the logger.


The current rate limit.

template<typename ...Args>
inline std::string format(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Format args into string according to format string. From: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/format/format.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.


formatted std::string

template<typename ...Args>
inline void debug(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in GRAY if level is Verbosity::DEBUG or greater.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void info(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in GREEN if level is Verbosity::INFO or greater.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void warn(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in YELLOW if level is Verbosity::WARN or greater.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void error(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in RED if level is Verbosity::ERROR or greater.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void debug_rate_limited(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in GRAY if level is Verbosity::DEBUG or greater. This function is rate limited by the rate specified in the constructor.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void info_rate_limited(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in GREEN if level is Verbosity::INFO or greater This function is rate limited by the rate specified in the constructor.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void warn_rate_limited(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in YELLOW if level is Verbosity::WARN or greater This function is rate limited by the rate specified in the constructor.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

template<typename ...Args>
inline void error_rate_limited(std::string_view rt_fmt_str, Args&&... args)

Print log in RED if level is Verbosity::ERROR or greater This function is rate limited by the rate specified in the constructor.

  • rt_fmt_str – format string

  • args – optional arguments passed to be formatted.

Public Static Functions

static inline void move_up()

Move the cursor up one line.

static inline void move_up(int lines)

Move the cursor up a number of lines.


lines – The number of lines to move up.

static inline void move_down()

Move the cursor down one line.

static inline void move_down(int lines)

Move the cursor down a number of lines.


lines – The number of lines to move down.

static inline void move_to_start()

Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.

static inline void clear_line()

Clear the line.

static inline void clear_screen()

Clear the screen and move the cursor to the top left.

static inline void move_to(int x, int y)

Move the cursor to a specific position.

  • x – The x position to move to.

  • y – The y position to move to.

static inline std::string get_time()

Get the current time in seconds since the start of the logging system.


time in seconds since the start of the logging system.

struct Config

Configuration struct for the logger.

Public Members

std::string_view tag

The TAG that will be prepended to all logs.

bool include_time = {true}

Include the time in the log.

std::chrono::duration<float> rate_limit = std::chrono::duration<float>(0)

The rate limit for the logger. Optional, if <= 0 no rate limit.


Only calls that have _rate_limited suffixed will be rate limited.

espp::Logger::Verbosity level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN

The verbosity level for the logger.

Binary Log

The binary log component provides a wrapper around https://github.com/p-ranav/binary_log for enabling compact binary logging of basic integer, floating point, and string data types.

Code examples for the binary logging API are provided in the binary_log example folder.

API Reference

Header File