LED Strip APIs
The LedStrip component provides APIs to control LED strips. It supports various LED strip types, such as WS2812, WS2811, WS2813, SK6812, APA102, etc. You can use it directly with an SPI driver to talk to APA102 LED strips, or you can use it with a RMT driver (such as the Rmt component) to talk to WS2812, WS2811, WS2813, SK6812, etc. LED strips.
API Reference
Header File
class LedStrip : public espp::BaseComponent
Class to control LED strips.
This class is used to control LED strips. It is designed to be used with a write function that can be used to write data to the strip. This allows it to be used with different hardware interfaces (e.g. SPI, I2C, RMT, etc.).
This class is designed to be used to control various LED strips, which may be using different protocols. The following protocols are supported:
APA102 (via SPI)
WS2812 (via the RMT peripheral)
Example 1: APA102 via SPI
// create the rmt object espp::Rmt rmt(espp::Rmt::Config{ .gpio_num = NEO_BFF_IO, .resolution_hz = SK6805_FREQ_HZ, .log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::INFO, }); // tell the RMT object to use the led_encoder (espp::RmtEncoder) that's // defined above rmt.set_encoder(std::move(led_encoder)); // create the write function we'll use auto neopixel_write = [&rmt](const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { if (len == 0) { return; } // send the data to the RMT object rmt.transmit(data, len); }; // now create the LedStrip object espp::LedStrip led_strip(espp::LedStrip::Config{ .num_leds = NEO_BFF_NUM_LEDS, .write = neopixel_write, .send_brightness = false, .byte_order = espp::LedStrip::ByteOrder::GRB, .start_frame = {}, .end_frame = {}, .log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::INFO, }); // Set all pixels led_strip.set_all(espp::Rgb(0, 0, 0)); // And show it led_strip.show(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(1s); // Use a task to rotate the LED through the rainbow using HSV auto task_fn = [&led_strip](std::mutex &m, std::condition_variable &cv) { static auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); float t = std::chrono::duration<float>(now - start).count(); // shift the LEDs right one led_strip.shift_right(); // rotate through rainbow colors in hsv based on time, hue is 0-360 float hue = (cos(t) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * 360.0f; espp::Hsv hsv(hue, 1.0f, 1.0f); // full brightness (1.0, default) is _really_ bright, so tone it down led_strip.set_pixel(0, hsv, 0.05f); // show the new colors led_strip.show(); // NOTE: sleeping in this way allows the sleep to exit early when the // task is being stopped / destroyed { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m); cv.wait_for(lk, 50ms); } // don't want to stop the task return false; }; auto task = espp::Task({.callback = task_fn, .task_config = { .name = "LedStrip Task", .stack_size_bytes = 5 * 1024, }, .log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN}); task.start();
This class does not handle the clock signal (if any) for the strip. It is assumed that the clock signal is handled by the hardware interface.
This class does not handle the chip select signal (if any) for the strip. It is assumed that the chip select signal is handled by the hardware interface.
This class does not handle the power signal (if any) for the strip.
Public Types
enum class ByteOrder
Byte order for the LEDs.
enumerator RGB
RGB byte order.
enumerator GRB
GRB byte order.
enumerator BGR
BGR byte order.
enumerator RGB
typedef std::function<void(const uint8_t *data, size_t length)> write_fn
Function to write data to the strip.
This function is used to write data to the strip. It is assumed that the function will block until the data has been written.
The data is not guaranteed to be valid after the function returns.
The length of the data is guaranteed to be at least 4 bytes.
The data is guaranteed to be 4-byte aligned.
The data is guaranteed to be in the order of the bytes in the strip (i.e. the first byte in the data is the first byte in the strip).
- Param data
Pointer to the data to write
- Param length
Length of the data to write
Public Functions
inline explicit LedStrip(const Config &config)
- Parameters
config – Configuration for the LedStrip class
inline size_t num_leds() const
Get the number of LEDs in the strip.
- Returns
Number of LEDs in the strip
inline ByteOrder byte_order() const
Get the byte order for the LEDs.
- Returns
Byte order for the LEDs
inline void shift_left(int shift_by = 1)
Shift the LEDs to the left.
A negative value for shift_by will shift the LEDs to the right
- Parameters
shift_by – Number of LEDs to shift by
inline void shift_right(int shift_by = 1)
Shift the LEDs to the right.
A negative value for shift_by will shift the LEDs to the left
- Parameters
shift_by – Number of LEDs to shift by
inline void set_pixel(int index, const Hsv &hsv, float brightness = 1.0f)
Set the color of a single LED.
See also
Hsv for more information on the HSV color space
See also
The index is zero-based.
- Parameters
index – Index of the LED to set
hsv – Color to set the LED to
brightness – Brightness of the LED
inline void set_pixel(int index, const Rgb &rgb, float brightness = 1.0f)
Set the color of a single LED.
See also
The index is zero-based.
- Parameters
index – Index of the LED to set
rgb – Color to set the LED to
brightness – Brightness of the LED
inline void set_pixel(int index, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t brightness = 0b11111)
Set the color of a single LED.
See also
The index is zero-based.
- Parameters
index – Index of the LED to set
r – Red component of the color to set the LED to [0-255]
g – Green component of the color to set the LED to [0-255]
b – Blue component of the color to set the LED to [0-255]
brightness – Brightness of the LED [0-31]
inline void set_all(const Hsv &hsv, float brightness = 1.0f)
Set the color of all the LEDs.
See also
See also
The index is zero-based.
- Parameters
hsv – Color to set the LEDs to
brightness – Brightness of the LEDs
inline void set_all(const Rgb &rgb, float brightness = 1.0f)
Set the color of all the LEDs.
See also
See also
- Parameters
rgb – Color to set the LEDs to
brightness – Brightness of the LEDs
inline void set_all(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t brightness = 0xff)
Set the color of all the LEDs.
See also
See also
- Parameters
r – Red component of the color to set the LEDs to
g – Green component of the color to set the LEDs to
b – Blue component of the color to set the LEDs to
brightness – Brightness of the LEDs
inline void show()
Show the colors on the strip.
This function writes the colors to the strip. It should be called after setting the colors of the LEDs.
See also
See also
This function blocks until the colors have been written to the strip.
inline const std::string &get_name() const
Get the name of the component
This is the tag of the logger
- Returns
A const reference to the name of the component
inline void set_log_tag(const std::string_view &tag)
Set the tag for the logger
- Parameters
tag – The tag to use for the logger
inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_log_level() const
Get the log level for the logger
See also
See also
- Returns
The verbosity level of the logger
inline void set_log_level(espp::Logger::Verbosity level)
Set the log level for the logger
See also
See also
- Parameters
level – The verbosity level to use for the logger
inline void set_log_verbosity(espp::Logger::Verbosity level)
Set the log verbosity for the logger
See also
See also
See also
This is a convenience method that calls set_log_level
- Parameters
level – The verbosity level to use for the logger
inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_log_verbosity() const
Get the log verbosity for the logger
See also
See also
See also
This is a convenience method that calls get_log_level
- Returns
The verbosity level of the logger
inline void set_log_rate_limit(std::chrono::duration<float> rate_limit)
Set the rate limit for the logger
See also
Only calls to the logger that have _rate_limit suffix will be rate limited
- Parameters
rate_limit – The rate limit to use for the logger
Public Static Attributes
static const std::vector<uint8_t> APA102_START_FRAME
Start frame for the APA102 protocol.
struct Config
Configuration for the LedStrip class.
Public Members
size_t num_leds
Number of LEDs in the strip.
bool send_brightness = {true}
Whether to use the brightness value for the LEDs.
std::vector<uint8_t> start_frame = {}
Start frame for the strip. Optional - will be sent before the first LED if not empty.
std::vector<uint8_t> end_frame = {}
End frame for the strip. Optional - will be sent after the last LED if not empty.
size_t num_leds