Complementary Filter
The ComplementaryFilter provides a simple implementation of a filter specifically designed to combine the outputs of a gyroscope and an accelerometer to produce a more accurate estimate of the orientation of an object. This filter is provided for completeness and simplicity, but the KalmanFilter or MadgwickFilter are generally preferred for this purpose.
API Reference
Header File
class ComplementaryFilter
Complementary filter for estimating pitch and roll angles from accelerometer and gyroscope readings. The filter is defined by the following equation: angle = alpha * (angle + gyro * dt) + (1 - alpha) * accel where:
angle is the estimated angle,
alpha is the filter coefficient (0 < alpha < 1),
gyro is the gyroscope reading,
accel is the accelerometer reading,
dt is the time step.
Public Functions
inline explicit ComplementaryFilter(float alpha = 0.98)
- Parameters
alpha – Filter coefficient (0 < alpha < 1)
inline void update(const std::span<const float, 3> &accel, const std::span<const float, 3> &gyro, float dt)
Update the filter with accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
The accelerometer and gyroscope readings must be in the same coordinate system.
- Parameters
accel – Accelerometer readings (m/s^2)
gyro – Gyroscope readings (degrees/s)
dt – Time step (s)
inline void update(float ax, float ay, float az, float gx, float gy, float gz, float dt)
Update the filter with accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
The accelerometer and gyroscope readings must be in the same coordinate system.
- Parameters
ax – Accelerometer x-axis reading (m/s^2)
ay – Accelerometer y-axis reading (m/s^2)
az – Accelerometer z-axis reading (m/s^2)
gx – Gyroscope x-axis reading (degrees/s)
gy – Gyroscope y-axis reading (degrees/s)
gz – Gyroscope z-axis reading (degrees/s)
dt – Time step (s)
inline float get_pitch() const
Get the estimated pitch angle (degrees)
- Returns
The estimated pitch angle
inline float get_roll() const
Get the estimated roll angle (degrees)
- Returns
The estimated roll angle