Simple Lowpass Filter

The SimpleLowpassFilter class provides an implementation of a simple moving average filter with a configurable time constant.

API Reference

Header File


class SimpleLowpassFilter

Simple lowpass filter using a time constant and a stored value.

Public Functions

SimpleLowpassFilter() = default

Construct a new SimpleLowpassFilter object.

explicit SimpleLowpassFilter(const Config &config)

Initialize the lowpass filter based on the config.


config – Configuration struct.

void set_time_constant(const float time_constant)

Set the time constant of the filter.


time_constant – Time constant of the filter.

float get_time_constant() const

Get the time constant of the filter.


Time constant of the filter.

float update(const float input)

Filter the signal sampled by input, updating internal state, and returning the filtered output.


input – New sample of the input data.


Filtered output based on input, time, and history.

float operator()(float input)

Filter the signal sampled by input, updating internal state, and returning the filtered output.


input – New sample of the input data.


Filtered output based on input, time, and history.

void reset()

Reset the filter to its initial state.

struct Config

Configuration for the lowpass filter.

Public Members

float time_constant = 0.0f

Time constant of the filter.