HID Service
The HidService implements the standard BLE HID service, providing dynamic and configurable HID input, output, and feature reports from a BLE peripheral to a BLE central.
API Reference
Header File
class HidService : public espp::BaseComponent
HID Service This class is responsible for creating and managing the HID service. It is responsible for creating and managing the required characteristics per the HID specification. It allows arbitrary input/output/feature HID reports.
NOTE: this is a simplified version of NimBLEHIDDevice, which does not include the DeviceInfoService and BatteryService internally, as espp::BleGattServer already provides the DeviceInfoService and BatteryService.
If you need the DeviceInfoService and BatteryService, you can access them through espp::BleGattServer.
See also
HID Service Example
// NOTE: esp-nimble-cpp already depends on nvs_flash and initializes // nvs_flash in the NimBLEDevice::init(), so we don't have to do that // to store bonding info // create the GATT server espp::BleGattServer ble_gatt_server; std::string device_name = "ESP++ HID"; ble_gatt_server.set_log_level(espp::Logger::Verbosity::INFO); ble_gatt_server.set_callbacks({ .connect_callback = [&](NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) { logger.info("Device connected"); }, .disconnect_callback = [&](auto &conn_info, auto reason) { logger.info("Device disconnected: {}", reason); }, .authentication_complete_callback = [&](const NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) { logger.info("Device authenticated"); }, // NOTE: this is optional, if you don't provide this callback, it will // perform the exactly function as below: .get_passkey_callback = [&]() { logger.info("Getting passkey"); return NimBLEDevice::getSecurityPasskey(); }, // NOTE: this is optional, if you don't provide this callback, it will // perform the exactly function as below: .confirm_passkey_callback = [&](const NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, uint32_t passkey) { logger.info("Confirming passkey: {}", passkey); NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey(conn_info, passkey == NimBLEDevice::getSecurityPasskey()); }, }); ble_gatt_server.init(device_name); #if CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV #error \ "This example does not support extended advertising, as iOS does not seem to show ext advertisements in their bluetooth settings menu (even if you turn on legacy advertising)" #endif #if !CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV ble_gatt_server.set_advertise_on_disconnect(true); #endif // for HID we need to set some security bool bonding = true; bool mitm = false; bool secure_connections = true; ble_gatt_server.set_security(bonding, mitm, secure_connections); // and some i/o and key config ble_gatt_server.set_io_capabilities(BLE_HS_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT); ble_gatt_server.set_init_key_distribution(BLE_SM_PAIR_KEY_DIST_ENC | BLE_SM_PAIR_KEY_DIST_ID); ble_gatt_server.set_resp_key_distribution(BLE_SM_PAIR_KEY_DIST_ENC | BLE_SM_PAIR_KEY_DIST_ID); // let's create a HID service espp::HidService hid_service; hid_service.init(ble_gatt_server.server()); // configure it some uint8_t country_code = 0x00; uint8_t hid_info_flags = 0x01; hid_service.set_info(country_code, hid_info_flags); static constexpr uint8_t input_report_id = 1; static constexpr size_t num_buttons = 15; static constexpr int joystick_min = 0; static constexpr int joystick_max = 65534; static constexpr int trigger_min = 0; static constexpr int trigger_max = 1023; using GamepadInput = espp::GamepadInputReport<num_buttons, std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, joystick_min, joystick_max, trigger_min, trigger_max, input_report_id>; GamepadInput gamepad_input_report; static constexpr uint8_t output_report_id = 2; static constexpr size_t num_leds = 4; using GamepadLeds = espp::GamepadLedOutputReport<num_leds, output_report_id>; GamepadLeds gamepad_leds_report; using namespace hid::page; using namespace hid::rdf; auto raw_descriptor = descriptor(usage_page<generic_desktop>(), usage(generic_desktop::GAMEPAD), collection::application(gamepad_input_report.get_descriptor(), gamepad_leds_report.get_descriptor())); // Generate the report descriptor for the gamepad auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(raw_descriptor.begin(), raw_descriptor.end()); logger.info("Report Descriptor:"); logger.info(" Size: {}", descriptor.size()); logger.info(" Data: {::#02x}", descriptor); // set the report map (vector of bytes) hid_service.set_report_map(descriptor); // use the HID service to make an input report characteristic [[maybe_unused]] auto input_report = hid_service.input_report(input_report_id); // use the HID service to make an output report characteristic [[maybe_unused]] auto output_report = hid_service.output_report(output_report_id); // now that we've made the input characteristic, we can start the service hid_service.start(); // starts the device info service and battery service, see // hid_service_example for more info ble_gatt_server.start_services(); // now start the gatt server ble_gatt_server.start(); // let's set some of the service data auto &battery_service = ble_gatt_server.battery_service(); battery_service.set_battery_level(99); auto &device_info_service = ble_gatt_server.device_info_service(); uint8_t vendor_source = 0x02; // USB uint16_t vid = 0x045E; // Microsoft uint16_t pid = 0x02FD; // Xbox One Controller uint16_t product_version = 0x0100; device_info_service.set_pnp_id(vendor_source, vid, pid, product_version); device_info_service.set_manufacturer_name("ESP-CPP"); device_info_service.set_model_number("esp-hid-01"); device_info_service.set_serial_number("1234567890"); device_info_service.set_software_version("1.0.0"); device_info_service.set_firmware_version("1.0.0"); device_info_service.set_hardware_version("1.0.0"); // NOTE: iOS does not seem to show ext advertisements in their bluetooth // settings menu (even if you turn on legacy advertising) // now lets start advertising uint32_t advertise_duration_ms = 0; // 0 means never stop espp::BleGattServer::AdvertisedData adv_data; // uint8_t flags = BLE_HS_ADV_F_DISC_LTD; uint8_t flags = BLE_HS_ADV_F_DISC_GEN; adv_data.setFlags(flags); adv_data.setName(device_name); adv_data.setAppearance((uint16_t)espp::BleAppearance::GAMEPAD); adv_data.setPartialServices16({hid_service.uuid()}); adv_data.addTxPower(); ble_gatt_server.set_advertisement_data(adv_data); ble_gatt_server.start_advertising(advertise_duration_ms); // now lets update the battery level and send an input report every second uint8_t battery_level = 99; // change the gamepad inputs every second int button_index = 1; bool was_connected = false; while (true) { auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // if we are now connected, but were not, then get the services if (ble_gatt_server.is_connected() && !was_connected) { was_connected = true; auto connected_device_infos = ble_gatt_server.get_connected_device_infos(); logger.info("Connected devices: {}", connected_device_infos.size()); std::vector<std::string> connected_device_names; std::transform(connected_device_infos.begin(), connected_device_infos.end(), std::back_inserter(connected_device_names), [&](auto &info) { return ble_gatt_server.get_connected_device_name(info); }); logger.info(" Names: {}", connected_device_names); std::vector<int> connected_device_rssis; std::transform(connected_device_infos.begin(), connected_device_infos.end(), std::back_inserter(connected_device_rssis), [&](auto &info) { return ble_gatt_server.get_connected_device_rssi(info); }); logger.info(" RSSIs: {}", connected_device_rssis); } else if (!ble_gatt_server.is_connected()) { was_connected = false; } if (!ble_gatt_server.is_connected()) { // sleep std::this_thread::sleep_until(start + 1s); continue; } // update the battery level battery_service.set_battery_level(battery_level); battery_level = (battery_level % 100) + 1; // cycle through the possible d-pad states GamepadInput::Hat hat = (GamepadInput::Hat)button_index; // use the button index to set the position of the right joystick float angle = 2.0f * M_PI * button_index / num_buttons; gamepad_input_report.reset(); gamepad_input_report.set_hat(hat); gamepad_input_report.set_button(button_index, true); // joystick inputs are in the range [-1, 1] float gamepad_input_report.set_right_joystick(cos(angle), sin(angle)); gamepad_input_report.set_left_joystick(sin(angle), cos(angle)); // trigger inputs are in the range [0, 1] float gamepad_input_report.set_accelerator(std::abs(sin(angle))); gamepad_input_report.set_brake(std::abs(cos(angle))); logger.debug("Setting left joystick: ({:.1f}, {:.1f})", sin(angle), cos(angle)); logger.debug("Setting right joystick: ({:.1f}, {:.1f})", cos(angle), sin(angle)); logger.debug("Setting brake: {:.1f}", std::abs(cos(angle))); logger.debug("Setting accelerator: {:.1f}", std::abs(sin(angle))); logger.debug("Setting hat: {}", (int)hat); logger.debug("Setting button: {}", button_index); button_index = (button_index % num_buttons) + 1; // send an input report auto report = gamepad_input_report.get_report(); logger.debug("Sending report data ({}): {::#02x}", report.size(), report); // Get the stored pointer (we could use the one above, but this is just to // show how to get it) auto report_char = hid_service.input_report(input_report_id); report_char->notify(report); // sleep std::this_thread::sleep_until(start + 1s); }
Public Functions
inline explicit HidService(espp::Logger::Verbosity log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN)
- Parameters
log_level – The verbosity of the logger
inline explicit HidService(NimBLEServer *server, espp::Logger::Verbosity log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN)
- Parameters
server – The BLE server to use for the HID service.
log_level – The verbosity of the logger
inline ~HidService()
inline void init(NimBLEServer *server)
Initialize the HID service.
inline void deinit()
Deinitialize the HID service.
This should only be called after NimBLEDevice::deinit(true) has been called, since that will free the memory used by the service.
inline void start()
Start the HID service.
inline NimBLEService *service()
Get the HID service.
- Returns
The HID service.
inline NimBLEUUID uuid()
Get the UUID of the HID service.
- Returns
The UUID of the HID service.
inline void set_report_map(const std::vector<uint8_t> &report_map)
Set the report map for the HID service.
- Parameters
report_map – The report map as a vector of bytes.
inline void set_report_map(std::string_view report_map)
Set the report map for the HID service.
- Parameters
report_map – The report map as a string view.
inline void set_report_map(const uint8_t *report_map, size_t report_map_len)
Set the report map for the HID service.
The report map is a descriptor that describes the format of the HID reports. It is used to tell the host how to interpret the reports that are sent by the HID device.
- Parameters
report_map – The report map bytes
report_map_len – The length of the report map.
inline void set_info(uint8_t country, uint8_t flags)
Set the HID information for the HID service.
- Parameters
country – The country code.
flags – The HID information flags.
inline NimBLECharacteristic *get_control()
Get the control characteristic for the HID service.
- Returns
The control characteristic.
inline NimBLECharacteristic *get_protocol_mode()
Get the protocol mode characteristic for the HID service.
- Returns
The protocol mode characteristic.
inline NimBLECharacteristic *input_report(uint8_t report_id)
Create an input report characteristic.
- Parameters
report_id – The report ID. This should be the same as the report ID in the report descriptor for the input object that is related to the characteristic.
- Returns
The input report characteristic.
inline void remove_input_report(uint8_t report_id)
Remove an input report characteristic.
This will delete the characteristic, and remove it from the list. Any stored pointers to the characteristic will be invalid after this call.
- Parameters
report_id – The report ID of the input report characteristic to remove.
inline NimBLECharacteristic *output_report(uint8_t report_id)
Create an output report characteristic.
- Parameters
report_id – The report ID. This should be the same as the report ID in the report descriptor for the output object that is related to the characteristic.
- Returns
The output report characteristic.
inline void remove_output_report(uint8_t report_id)
Remove an output report characteristic.
This will delete the characteristic, and remove it from the list. Any stored pointers to the characteristic will be invalid after this call.
- Parameters
report_id – The report ID of the output report characteristic to remove.
inline NimBLECharacteristic *feature_report(uint8_t report_id)
Create a feature report characteristic.
- Parameters
report_id – The report ID. This should be the same as the report ID in the report descriptor for the feature object that is related to the characteristic.
- Returns
The feature report characteristic.
inline void remove_feature_report(uint8_t report_id)
Remove a feature report characteristic.
This will delete the characteristic, and remove it from the list. Any stored pointers to the characteristic will be invalid after this call.
- Parameters
report_id – The report ID of the feature report characteristic to remove.
inline const std::string &get_name() const
Get the name of the component
This is the tag of the logger
- Returns
A const reference to the name of the component
inline void set_log_tag(const std::string_view &tag)
Set the tag for the logger
- Parameters
tag – The tag to use for the logger
inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_log_level() const
Get the log level for the logger
See also
See also
- Returns
The verbosity level of the logger
inline void set_log_level(espp::Logger::Verbosity level)
Set the log level for the logger
See also
See also
- Parameters
level – The verbosity level to use for the logger
inline void set_log_verbosity(espp::Logger::Verbosity level)
Set the log verbosity for the logger
See also
See also
See also
This is a convenience method that calls set_log_level
- Parameters
level – The verbosity level to use for the logger
inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_log_verbosity() const
Get the log verbosity for the logger
See also
See also
See also
This is a convenience method that calls get_log_level
- Returns
The verbosity level of the logger
inline void set_log_rate_limit(std::chrono::duration<float> rate_limit)
Set the rate limit for the logger
See also
Only calls to the logger that have _rate_limit suffix will be rate limited
- Parameters
rate_limit – The rate limit to use for the logger
inline explicit HidService(espp::Logger::Verbosity log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN)