Google Fast Pair Service (GFPS) Service
The GfpsService implements the Google Fast Pair Service, allowing first-party fast-pair experience on Android devices using the google nearby framework. This also supports app matching / launching, as well as Google’s Find My Device service. Finally, GFPS supports sharing device pairing info across that account’s google devices and personalizing the name of the device.
API Reference
Header File
class GfpsService : public espp::BaseComponent
Google Fast Pair Service This class is responsible for creating and managing the Google Fast Pair Service.
The service is created with the following characteristics:
Model ID (read, unencrypted)
KB Pairing (write and notify, unencrypted)
Passkey (write and notify, unencrypted)
Account Key (write, unencrypted)
Google fast pair service also requires the fast pair provider (device) to support the Device Information Service (DIS, 0x180A) including the Firmware Revision characteristic (0x2A26).
For more information see
If you need the DeviceInfoService and BatteryService, you can access them through espp::BleGattServer.
See also
GFPS Service Example
// NOTE: esp-nimble-cpp already depends on nvs_flash and initializes // nvs_flash in the NimBLEDevice::init(), so we don't have to do that // to store bonding info // create the GATT server espp::BleGattServer ble_gatt_server; std::string device_name = "ESP++ GFPS"; ble_gatt_server.set_log_level(espp::Logger::Verbosity::INFO); ble_gatt_server.set_callbacks({ .connect_callback = [&](const NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) {"Device connected"); }, .disconnect_callback = [&](const auto &conn_info, auto reason) {"Device disconnected: {}", reason); }, .authentication_complete_callback = [&](const NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) {"Device authenticated"); }, .get_passkey_callback = [&]() { return NimBLEDevice::getSecurityPasskey(); }, .confirm_passkey_callback = [&](const NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, uint32_t passkey) { // set the passkey here, so that GFPS can later compare against it // and inject confirmation/rejection NimBLEDevice::setSecurityPasskey(passkey); }, }); ble_gatt_server.init(device_name); #if CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV #error \ "This example does not support extended advertising, as GFPS does not recognize ext advertisements" #endif #if !CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV ble_gatt_server.set_advertise_on_disconnect(true); #endif // NOTE: we don't have to set security, since GFPS internally will set it to // what is required by the spec. // let's create a GFPS service espp::GfpsService gfps_service; gfps_service.set_log_level(espp::Logger::Verbosity::DEBUG); gfps_service.init(ble_gatt_server.server()); // now that we've made the input characteristic, we can start the service gfps_service.start(); ble_gatt_server.start_services(); // starts the device info service and battery service // NOTE: we could also directly start them ourselves if we wanted to // control the order of starting the services // e.g.: // ble_gatt_server.battery_service().start(); // ble_gatt_server.device_info_service().start(); // now start the gatt server ble_gatt_server.start(); // let's set some of the service data auto &battery_service = ble_gatt_server.battery_service(); battery_service.set_battery_level(99); auto &device_info_service = ble_gatt_server.device_info_service(); uint8_t vendor_source = 0x02; // USB uint16_t vid = 0xCafe; uint16_t pid = 0xBabe; uint16_t product_version = 0x0100; device_info_service.set_pnp_id(vendor_source, vid, pid, product_version); device_info_service.set_manufacturer_name("ESP-CPP"); // NOTE: this is NOT required to be the same as the GFPS SKU Name device_info_service.set_model_number("espp-gfps-01"); device_info_service.set_serial_number("1234567890"); device_info_service.set_software_version("1.0.0"); device_info_service.set_firmware_version("1.0.0"); device_info_service.set_hardware_version("1.0.0"); // now lets start advertising espp::BleGattServer::AdvertisedData adv_data; // uint8_t flags = BLE_HS_ADV_F_DISC_LTD; uint8_t flags = BLE_HS_ADV_F_DISC_GEN; adv_data.setFlags(flags); adv_data.setName(device_name); adv_data.setAppearance((uint16_t)espp::BleAppearance::GENERIC_DISPLAY); adv_data.setServiceData(gfps_service.uuid(), gfps_service.get_service_data()); adv_data.addTxPower(); ble_gatt_server.set_advertisement_data(adv_data); ble_gatt_server.start_advertising(); // now lets update the battery level every second uint8_t battery_level = 99; while (true) { auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // update the battery level battery_service.set_battery_level(battery_level); battery_level = (battery_level % 100) + 1; // sleep std::this_thread::sleep_until(start + 1s); }
Public Functions
inline explicit GfpsService(espp::Logger::Verbosity log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN)
- Parameters
log_level – The log level for the service
inline explicit GfpsService(NimBLEServer *server, espp::Logger::Verbosity log_level = espp::Logger::Verbosity::WARN)
This constructor will initialize the service with the given server
This constructor will also initialize the nearby framework
- Parameters
server – The BLE server to attach the service to
log_level – The log level for the service
inline void set_passkey(uint32_t passkey)
Set the passkey
This function will set the passkey for the service
This function should be called in the ESP_GAP_BLE_NC_REQ_EVT GAP event handler
- Parameters
passkey – The passkey to set
inline uint32_t get_passkey() const
Get the passkey
- Returns
The passkey for the service
inline void on_pairing_request(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info)
On pairing request This function is called when a pairing request is received
This function will call the GFPS/nearby on_pairing_request function
This function should be called in the ESP_GAP_BLE_SEC_REQ_EVT GAP event handler
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
inline NimBLEService *service() const
Get the Service
- Returns
The BLE service for the Google Fast Pair Service
inline NimBLEUUID uuid() const
Get the Service UUID
- Returns
The UUID for the Google Fast Pair Service
inline std::string get_service_data() const
Get the Service Data
The service data is the 3 byte model ID
This is the service data that is advertised
- Returns
The service data for the Google Fast Pair Service
inline bool notify(nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t length)
Notify the characteristic
This function will notify the given characteristic with the given value
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic to notify
value – The value to notify
length – The length of the value
- Returns
True if the notification was successful, false otherwise
inline void init(NimBLEServer *server)
Initialize the service
This function will initialize the service with the given server
This function will also initialize the nearby framework
- Parameters
server – The BLE server to attach the service to
inline void deinit()
Deinitialize the service
This function will deinitialize the service
This function will also deinitialize the nearby framework
This function should only be called after NimBLEDevice::deinit(true) has been called, since that will free the memory used by the service and the nearby framework
inline void start()
Start the service
This function will start the service
This function will also set the advertisement mode for the nearby framework
inline const std::string &get_name() const
Get the name of the component
This is the tag of the logger
- Returns
A const reference to the name of the component
inline void set_log_tag(const std::string_view &tag)
Set the tag for the logger
- Parameters
tag – The tag to use for the logger
inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_log_level() const
Get the log level for the logger
See also
See also
- Returns
The verbosity level of the logger
inline void set_log_level(espp::Logger::Verbosity level)
Set the log level for the logger
See also
See also
- Parameters
level – The verbosity level to use for the logger
inline void set_log_verbosity(espp::Logger::Verbosity level)
Set the log verbosity for the logger
See also
See also
See also
This is a convenience method that calls set_log_level
- Parameters
level – The verbosity level to use for the logger
inline espp::Logger::Verbosity get_log_verbosity() const
Get the log verbosity for the logger
See also
See also
See also
This is a convenience method that calls get_log_level
- Returns
The verbosity level of the logger
inline void set_log_rate_limit(std::chrono::duration<float> rate_limit)
Set the rate limit for the logger
See also
Only calls to the logger that have _rate_limit suffix will be rate limited
- Parameters
rate_limit – The rate limit to use for the logger
Header File
class GfpsCharacteristicCallback
Callback base class for the Google Fast Pair Service This class provides the base functionality for the Google Fast Pair Service characteristic callbacks.
Subclassed by espp::GfpsAccountKeyCharacteristicCallbacks, espp::GfpsKbPairingCharacteristicCallbacks, espp::GfpsModelIdCharacteristicCallbacks, espp::GfpsPasskeyCharacteristicCallbacks
Public Functions
inline std::vector<uint8_t> on_gfps_read(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is read
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to read
- Returns
The value of the characteristic or an empty vector if the read failed
inline void on_gfps_write(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t length)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is written
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to write
value – The value to write
length – The length of the value
inline std::vector<uint8_t> on_gfps_read(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic)
class GfpsModelIdCharacteristicCallbacks : public NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks, public espp::GfpsCharacteristicCallback
Public Functions
inline void onRead(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Model ID Characteristic is read
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being read
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the read
inline std::vector<uint8_t> on_gfps_read(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is read
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to read
- Returns
The value of the characteristic or an empty vector if the read failed
inline void on_gfps_write(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t length)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is written
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to write
value – The value to write
length – The length of the value
inline void onRead(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
class GfpsKbPairingCharacteristicCallbacks : public NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks, public espp::GfpsCharacteristicCallback
Public Functions
inline void onWrite(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Key-Based Pairing Characteristic is written
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being written
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the write
inline void onRead(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Key-Based Pairing Characteristic is read
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being read
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the read
inline std::vector<uint8_t> on_gfps_read(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is read
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to read
- Returns
The value of the characteristic or an empty vector if the read failed
inline void on_gfps_write(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t length)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is written
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to write
value – The value to write
length – The length of the value
inline void onWrite(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
class GfpsPasskeyCharacteristicCallbacks : public NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks, public espp::GfpsCharacteristicCallback
Public Functions
inline void onWrite(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Passkey Pairing Characteristic is written
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being written
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the write
inline void onRead(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Passkey Characteristic is read
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being read
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the read
inline std::vector<uint8_t> on_gfps_read(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is read
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to read
- Returns
The value of the characteristic or an empty vector if the read failed
inline void on_gfps_write(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t length)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is written
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to write
value – The value to write
length – The length of the value
inline void onWrite(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
class GfpsAccountKeyCharacteristicCallbacks : public NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks, public espp::GfpsCharacteristicCallback
Public Functions
inline void onWrite(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Account Key Characteristic is written
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being written
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the write
inline void onRead(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override
Called when the Account Key Characteristic is read
- Parameters
characteristic – The characteristic that is being read
conn_info – The ConnInfo object for the connection associated with the read
inline std::vector<uint8_t> on_gfps_read(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is read
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to read
- Returns
The value of the characteristic or an empty vector if the read failed
inline void on_gfps_write(NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info, nearby_fp_Characteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t length)
Called when a Google Fast Pair Service characteristic is written
- Parameters
conn_info – The connection information for the device
characteristic – The characteristic to write
value – The value to write
length – The length of the value
inline void onWrite(NimBLECharacteristic *characteristic, NimBLEConnInfo &conn_info) override