The NDEF component provides a utility class for dealing with NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) records, which are used by NFC Tags.
API Reference
Header File
- espp::Ndef::Flags.__unnamed14__
class Ndef
implements serialization & deserialization logic for NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) records which can be stored on and transmitted from NFC devices.
NDEF records can be composed the following way:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ [ MB ] [ ME ] [ CF ] [ SR ] [ IL ] [ TNF ] [ TYPE LENGTH (may be 0) ] [ PAYLOAD LENGTH (1B or 4B, see SR) ] [ ID LENGTH (if IL) ] [ RECORD TYPE (if TYPE LENGTH > 0) ] [ ID (if IL) ] [ PAYLOAD (payload length bytes)]
The first byte (Flags) has these bits:
Bits 0-3: TNF - Type Name Format - describes record type (see TNF class)
Bit 3: IL - ID Length - indicates if the ID Length Field is present or not
Bit 4: SR - Short Record - set to 1 if the payload length field is 1 byte (8 bits / 0-255) or less, otherwise the payload length is 4 bytes
Bit 5: CF - Chunk Flag - indicates if this is the first record chunk or a middle record chunk, set to 0 for the first record of the message and for subsequent records set to 1.
Bit 6: ME - Message End - 1 indicates if this is the last record in the message
Bit 7: MB - Message Begin - 1 indicates if this is the first record in the message
Some information about NDEF can be found:
Public Types
enum class TNF : uint8_t
Type Name Format (TNF) field is a 3-bit value that describes the record type.
Some Common TNF::WELL_KNOWN record type strings:
Text (T)
Smart Poster (Sp)
Alternative Carrier (ac)
Handover Carrier (Hc)
Handover Request (Hr)
Handover Select (Hs)
enumerator EMPTY
Record is empty.
enumerator WELL_KNOWN
Type field contains a well-known RTD type name.
enumerator MIME_MEDIA
Type field contains a media type (RFC 2046)
enumerator ABSOLUTE_URI
Type field contains an absolute URI (RFC 3986)
enumerator EXTERNAL_TYPE
Type field Contains an external type name.
enumerator UNKNOWN
Payload type is unknown, type length must be 0.
enumerator UNCHANGED
Indicates the payload is an intermediate or final chunk of a chunked NDEF record, type length must be 0.
enumerator RESERVED
Reserved by the NFC forum for future use.
enum class Uic
URI Identifier Codes (UIC), See Table A-3 at https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/beginning-nfc/9781449324094/apa.html and https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-pn532-rfid-nfc/ndef
enumerator NONE
Exactly as written.
enumerator HTTP_WWW
enumerator HTTPS_WWW
enumerator TEL
enumerator MAILTO
enumerator FTP_ANON
enumerator SMB
enumerator NFS
enumerator DAV
enumerator NEWS
enumerator TELNET
enumerator IMAP
enumerator RSTP
enumerator URN
enumerator POP
enumerator SIP
enumerator SIPS
enumerator TFTP
enumerator BTSPP
enumerator BTL2CAP
enumerator BTGOEP
enumerator TCPOBEX
enumerator IRDAOBEX
enumerator URN_EPC_ID
enumerator URN_EPC_TAG
enumerator URN_EPC_PAT
enumerator URN_EPC_RAW
enumerator URN_EPC
enumerator URN_NFC
enumerator NONE
enum class BtType
Type of Bluetooth radios.
enumerator BREDR
BT Classic.
enumerator BLE
BT Low Energy.
enumerator BREDR
enum class BtAppearance : uint16_t
Some appearance codes for BLE radios.
enumerator UNKNOWN
Generic Unknown.
enumerator PHONE
Generic Phone.
enumerator COMPUTER
Generic Computer.
enumerator WATCH
Generic Watch.
enumerator CLOCK
Generic Clock.
Generic Remote Control.
enumerator GENERIC_HID
Generic HID.
enumerator KEYBOARD
HID Keyboard.
enumerator MOUSE
HID Mouse.
enumerator GAMEPAD
HID Gamepad.
enumerator TOUCHPAD
HID Touchpad.
enumerator GAMING
Generic Gaming group.
enumerator UNKNOWN
enum class CarrierPowerState
Power state of a BLE radio.
Representation of the carrier power state in a Handover Select message.
enumerator INACTIVE
Carrier power is off.
enumerator ACTIVE
Carrier power is on.
enumerator ACTIVATING
Carrier power is turning on.
enumerator UNKNOWN
Carrier power state is unknown.
enumerator INACTIVE
enum class BtEir
Extended Inquiry Response (EIR) codes for data types in BT and BLE out of band (OOB) pairing NDEF records.
enumerator FLAGS
BT flags: b0: LE limited discoverable mode, b1: LE general discoverable mode, b2: BR/EDR not supported, b3: Simultaneous LE & BR/EDR controller, b4: simultaneous LE & BR/EDR Host
enumerator UUIDS_16_BIT_PARTIAL
Incomplete list of 16 bit service class UUIDs.
enumerator UUIDS_16_BIT_COMPLETE
Complete list of 16 bit service class UUIDs.
enumerator UUIDS_32_BIT_PARTIAL
Incomplete list of 32 bit service class UUIDs.
enumerator UUIDS_32_BIT_COMPLETE
Complete list of 32 bit service class UUIDs.
enumerator UUIDS_128_BIT_PARTIAL
Incomplete list of 128 bit service class UUIDs.
enumerator UUIDS_128_BIT_COMPLETE
Complete list of 128 bit service class UUIDs.
Shortened Bluetooth Local Name.
enumerator LONG_LOCAL_NAME
Complete Bluetooth Local Name.
enumerator TX_POWER_LEVEL
TX Power level (1 byte), -127 dBm to +127 dBm.
enumerator CLASS_OF_DEVICE
Class of Device.
enumerator SP_HASH_C192
Simple Pairing Hash C-192.
enumerator SP_RANDOM_R192
Simple Pairing Randomizer R-192.
Security Manager TK Value (LE Legacy Pairing)
Flags (1 B), b0: OOB flags field (1 = 00B data present, 0 not), b1: LE Supported (host), b2: Simultaneous LE & BR/EDR to same device capable (host), b3: address type (0 = public, 1 = random)
enumerator APPEARANCE
enumerator MAC
Bluetooth Device Address.
enumerator LE_ROLE
LE Role.
enumerator SP_HASH_C256
Simple Pairing Hash C-256.
enumerator SP_HASH_R256
Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256.
LE Secure Connections Confirmation Value.
enumerator LE_SC_RANDOM
LE Secure Connections Random Value.
enumerator FLAGS
enum class BleRole : uint8_t
Possible roles for BLE records to indicate support for.
Radio can only act as a peripheral.
enumerator CENTRAL_ONLY
Radio can only act as a central.
Radio can act as both a peripheral and a central, but prefers peripheral.
Radio can act as both a peripheral and a central, but prefers central.
enum class WifiEncryptionType
Types of configurable encryption for WiFi networks.
enumerator NONE
No encryption.
enumerator WEP
enumerator TKIP
enumerator AES
enumerator NONE
enum class WifiAuthenticationType
WiFi network authentication.
enumerator OPEN
Open / no security.
enumerator WPA_PERSONAL
WPA personal.
enumerator SHARED
Shared key.
WPA enterprise.
enumerator WPA2_ENTERPRISE
WPA2 Enterprise.
enumerator WPA2_PERSONAL
WPA2 personal.
enumerator WPA_WPA2_PERSONAL
Both WPA and WPA2 personal.
enumerator OPEN
Public Functions
inline explicit Ndef(espp::Ndef::TNF tnf, std::string_view type, std::string_view payload)
Makes an NDEF record with header and payload.
- Parameters
tnf – The TNF for this packet.
type – String view for the type of this packet
payload – The payload data for the packet
inline std::vector<uint8_t> serialize(bool message_begin = true, bool message_end = true)
Serialize the NDEF record into a sequence of bytes.
- Parameters
message_begin – True if this is the first record in the message.
message_end – True if this is the last record in the message.
- Returns
The vector<uint8_t> of bytes representing the NDEF record.
inline std::vector<uint8_t> payload()
Return just the payload as a vector of bytes.
- Returns
Payload of the NDEF record as a vector of bytes.
inline void set_id(int id)
Set the payload ID of the NDEF record.
- Parameters
id – ID of the NDEF record.
inline int get_id() const
Get the ID of the NDEF record.
- Returns
ID of the NDEF record.
inline int get_size() const
Get the number of bytes needed for the NDEF record.
- Returns
Size of the NDEF record (bytes), for serialization.
Public Static Functions
static inline Ndef make_text(std::string_view text)
Static function to make an NDEF record for transmitting english text.
- Parameters
text – The text that the NDEF record will hold.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_uri(std::string_view uri, espp::Ndef::Uic uic = espp::Ndef::Uic::NONE)
Static function to make an NDEF record for loading a URI.
- Parameters
uri – URI for the record to point to.
uic – UIC for the uri - helps shorten the uri text / NDEF record.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_android_launcher(std::string_view uri)
Static function to make an NDEF record for launching an Android App.
- Parameters
uri – URI for the android package / app to launch.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_wifi_config(const espp::Ndef::WifiConfig &config)
Create a WiFi credential tag.
- Parameters
config – WifiConfig describing the WiFi network.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_handover_select(int carrier_data_ref)
Create a Handover Select record for a Bluetooth device.
See also
- Parameters
carrier_data_ref – Reference to the carrier data record, which is the record that contains the actual bluetooth data. This should be the same as the id of the carrier data record, such as ‘0’.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_handover_request(int carrier_data_ref)
Create a Handover request record for a Bluetooth device.
See also
- Parameters
carrier_data_ref – Reference to the carrier data record, which is the record that contains the actual bluetooth data. This should be the same as the id of the carrier data record, such as ‘0’.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_alternative_carrier(const CarrierPowerState &power_state, int carrier_data_ref)
Create a Handover Request record for a Bluetooth device.
See page 18 of https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/250136576.pdf for more details.
- Parameters
power_state – Power state of the alternative carrier.
carrier_data_ref – Reference to the carrier data record, which is the record that contains the actual bluetooth data. This should be the same as the id of the carrier data record, such as ‘0’.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_oob_pairing(uint64_t mac_addr, uint32_t device_class, std::string_view name, std::string_view random_value = "", std::string_view confirm_value = "")
Static function to make an NDEF record for BT classic OOB Pairing (Android).
If the address is e.g. f4:12:fa:42:fe:9e then the mac_addr should be 0xf412fa42fe9e.
- Parameters
mac_addr – 48 bit MAC Address of the BT radio
device_class – The bluetooth device class for this radio.
name – Name of the BT device.
random_value – The Simple pairing randomizer R for the pairing.
confirm_value – The Simple pairing hash C (confirm value) for the pairing.
- Returns
NDEF record object.
static inline Ndef make_le_oob_pairing(uint64_t mac_addr, espp::Ndef::BleRole role, std::string_view name = "", espp::Ndef::BtAppearance appearance = espp::Ndef::BtAppearance::UNKNOWN, std::string_view random_value = "", std::string_view confirm_value = "", std::string_view tk = "")
Static function to make an NDEF record for BLE OOB Pairing (Android).
If the address is e.g. f4:12:fa:42:fe:9e then the mac_addr should be 0xf412fa42fe9e.
- Parameters
mac_addr – 48 bit MAC Address of the BLE radio.
role – The BLE role of the device (central / peripheral / dual)
name – Name of the BLE device. Optional.
appearance – BtAppearance of the device. Optional.
random_value – The Simple pairing randomizer R for the pairing. (16 bytes, optional)
confirm_value – The Simple pairing hash C (confirm value) for the pairing. (16 bytes, optional)
tk – Temporary key for the pairing (16 bytes, optional)
- Returns
NDEF record object.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr uint8_t HANDOVER_VERSION = 0x13
Connection Handover version 1.3.
- Flags.__unnamed14__
- Flags.__unnamed14__.__unnamed16__
struct WifiConfig
Configuration structure for wifi configuration ndef structure.
Public Members
std::string_view ssid
SSID for the network.
std::string_view key
Security key / password for the network.
espp::Ndef::WifiAuthenticationType authentication = espp::Ndef::WifiAuthenticationType::WPA2_PERSONAL
Authentication type the network uses.
espp::Ndef::WifiEncryptionType encryption = espp::Ndef::WifiEncryptionType::AES
Encryption type the network uses.
uint64_t mac_address = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
Broadcast MAC address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.
std::string_view ssid