The hid-rp component provides a wrapper around https://github.com/intergatedcircuits/hid-rp and also provides an example implementation of a configurable HID Gamepad using hid-rp.

API Reference

Header File

Header File


template<size_t BUTTON_COUNT = 15, typename JOYSTICK_TYPE = std::uint16_t, typename TRIGGER_TYPE = std::uint16_t, JOYSTICK_TYPE JOYSTICK_MIN = 0, JOYSTICK_TYPE JOYSTICK_MAX = 65535, TRIGGER_TYPE TRIGGER_MIN = 0, TRIGGER_TYPE TRIGGER_MAX = 1023, uint8_t REPORT_ID = 1>
class GamepadInputReport : public hid::report::base<hid::report::type::INPUT, 1>

HID Gamepad Input Report This class implements a HID Gamepad with a configurable number of buttons, a hat switch, 4 joystick axes and two trigger axes. It supports setting the buttons, hat switch, joysticks, and triggers, as well as serializing the input report and getting the report descriptor.

HID-RP Example

  static constexpr uint8_t input_report_id = 1;
  static constexpr uint8_t battery_report_id = 4;
  static constexpr size_t num_buttons = 15;
  static constexpr int joystick_min = 0;
  static constexpr int joystick_max = 65535;
  static constexpr int trigger_min = 0;
  static constexpr int trigger_max = 1023;

  using GamepadInput =
      espp::GamepadInputReport<num_buttons, std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, joystick_min,
                               joystick_max, trigger_min, trigger_max, input_report_id>;
  GamepadInput gamepad_input_report;

  using XboxInput = espp::XboxGamepadInputReport<input_report_id>;
  XboxInput xbox_input_report;

  using BatteryReport = espp::XboxBatteryInputReport<battery_report_id>;
  BatteryReport battery_input_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t led_output_report_id = 2;
  static constexpr size_t num_leds = 4;
  using GamepadLeds = espp::GamepadLedOutputReport<num_leds, led_output_report_id>;
  GamepadLeds gamepad_leds_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t rumble_output_report_id = 3;
  using RumbleReport = espp::XboxRumbleOutputReport<rumble_output_report_id>;
  RumbleReport rumble_output_report;

  using namespace hid::page;
  using namespace hid::rdf;
  auto raw_descriptor = descriptor(usage_page<generic_desktop>(), usage(generic_desktop::GAMEPAD),

  // Generate the report descriptor for the gamepad
  auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(raw_descriptor.begin(), raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", descriptor.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#04X}", descriptor);

  using SwitchProInput = espp::SwitchProGamepadInputReport<>;
  SwitchProInput switch_pro_input_report;
  logger.info("{}", switch_pro_input_report);
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Size: {}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report().size());
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Data: {::#04X}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report());

  auto sp_raw_descriptor = espp::switch_pro_descriptor();
  auto sp_descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(sp_raw_descriptor.begin(), sp_raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Switch Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", sp_descriptor.size());
  std::string str = "";
  for (auto &byte : sp_descriptor) {
    str += fmt::format("0x{:02X}, ", byte);
  logger.info("  Data: [{}]", str);

  GamepadInput::Hat hat = GamepadInput::Hat::UP_RIGHT;
  int button_index = 5;
  float angle = 2.0f * M_PI * button_index / num_buttons;

  // update the gamepad input report
  logger.info("{}", gamepad_input_report);
  gamepad_input_report.set_button(button_index, true);
  // joystick inputs are in the range [-1, 1] float
  gamepad_input_report.set_right_joystick(cos(angle), sin(angle));
  gamepad_input_report.set_left_joystick(sin(angle), cos(angle));
  // trigger inputs are in the range [0, 1] float

  button_index = (button_index % num_buttons) + 1;

  // send an input report
  auto report = gamepad_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Input report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

  // update the battery input report
  // note: it can only show 5, 40, 70, 100 so this will be rounded to 40

  // send a battery report
  report = battery_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Battery report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

Subclassed by espp::XboxGamepadInputReport< REPORT_ID >

Public Types

enum class Hat

Possible Hat switch directions.


enumerator CENTERED

Centered, no direction pressed.

enumerator UP
enumerator UP_RIGHT
enumerator RIGHT
enumerator DOWN_RIGHT
enumerator DOWN
enumerator DOWN_LEFT
enumerator LEFT
enumerator UP_LEFT

Public Functions

constexpr GamepadInputReport() = default

Construct a new Gamepad Input Report object.

inline constexpr void reset()

Reset the gamepad inputs.

inline constexpr void get_left_joystick(float &lx, float &ly) const

Get the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx[out] left joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ly[out] left joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_left_joystick(JOYSTICK_TYPE &lx, JOYSTICK_TYPE &ly) const

Get the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx[out] left joystick x axis value

  • ly[out] left joystick y axis value

inline constexpr void get_right_joystick(float &rx, float &ry) const

Get the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx[out] right joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ry[out] right joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_right_joystick(JOYSTICK_TYPE &rx, JOYSTICK_TYPE &ry) const

Get the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx[out] right joystick x axis value

  • ry[out] right joystick y axis value

inline constexpr void set_left_joystick(float lx, float ly)

Set the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx – left joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ly – left joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void set_right_joystick(float rx, float ry)

Set the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx – right joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ry – right joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_brake(float &value) const

Get the brake trigger value


value – brake trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void get_brake(TRIGGER_TYPE &value) const

Get the brake trigger value


brake trigger value

inline constexpr void set_brake(float value)

Set the brake trigger value


value – brake trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void set_accelerator(float value)

Set the accelerator trigger value


value – accelerator trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void get_accelerator(float &value) const

Get the accelerator trigger value


value – accelerator trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void get_accelerator(TRIGGER_TYPE &value) const

Get the accelerator trigger value


accelerator trigger value

inline constexpr void set_hat(Hat hat)

Set the hat switch (d-pad) value


hat – Hat enum / direction to set

inline constexpr void set_hat(bool up, bool down, bool left, bool right)

Set the hat switch (d-pad) value

  • up – up direction

  • down – down direction

  • left – left direction

  • right – right direction

inline constexpr Hat get_hat() const

Get the hat switch (d-pad) value


Hat enum / direction

inline constexpr void get_hat(bool &up, bool &down, bool &left, bool &right) const

Get the hat switch (d-pad) value

  • up – up direction

  • down – down direction

  • left – left direction

  • right – right direction

inline constexpr void set_button(int button_index, bool value)

Set the button value

  • button_index – The button for which you want to set the value. Should be between 1 and BUTTON_COUNT, inclusive.

  • value – The true/false value you want to se the button to.

inline constexpr void set_joystick_axis(size_t index, JOYSTICK_TYPE value)

Set the joystick axis value


The value should be in the range [joystick_min, joystick_max].

  • index – The index of the joystick axis to set. Should be between 0 and 3, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the joystick axis to.

inline constexpr void set_joystick_axis(size_t index, float value)

Set the joystick axis value


The value should be in the range [-1, 1].

  • index – The index of the joystick axis to set. Should be between 0 and 3, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the joystick axis to.

inline constexpr void set_trigger_axis(size_t index, TRIGGER_TYPE value)

Set the trigger axis value


The value should be in the range [trigger_min, trigger_max].

  • index – The index of the trigger axis to set. Should be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the trigger axis to.

inline constexpr void set_trigger_axis(size_t index, float value)

Set the trigger axis value


The value should be in the range [0, 1].

  • index – The index of the trigger axis to set. Should be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the trigger axis to.

inline constexpr bool get_button(int button_index) const

Get the button value


button_index – The button for which you want to get the value.


The true/false value of the button.

inline constexpr void set_hat_switch(Hat hat)

Set the hat switch value


hat – The hat switch value to set.

inline constexpr void set_hat_switch(std::uint8_t value)

Set the hat switch value


The value should match the values within the Hat enum.


value – The hat switch value to set.

inline constexpr bool get_consumer_record() const

Get the consumer record button value


The consumer record button value.

inline constexpr void set_consumer_record(bool value)

Set the consumer record button value


value – The true/false value you want to se the consumer record button to.

inline constexpr auto get_report() const

Get the input report as a vector of bytes


The report id is not included in the returned vector.


The input report as a vector of bytes.

inline constexpr void set_data(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Set the output report data from a vector of bytes


data – The data to set the output report to.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto get_descriptor()

Get the report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor


This is an incomplete descriptor, you will need to add it to a collection::application descriptor to create a complete report descriptor.

using namespace hid::page;
using namespace hid::rdf;
auto gamepad_descriptor = gamepad_input_report.get_descriptor();
auto rdf_descriptor = descriptor(
auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(rdf_descriptor.begin(), rdf_descriptor.end());


The report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor.

template<size_t LED_COUNT = 4, uint8_t REPORT_ID = 2>
class GamepadLedOutputReport : public hid::report::base<hid::report::type::OUTPUT, 2>

HID Gamepad LED Output Report This class implements a HID Gamepad with a configurable number of LEDs. It supports setting the LEDs, as well as serializing the output report and getting the report descriptor.

Public Functions

inline constexpr void set_led(int led_index, bool value)

Set the LED value

  • led_index – The LED for which you want to set the value. Should be between 1 and LED_COUNT, inclusive.

  • value – The true/false value you want to se the LED to.

inline constexpr auto get_min_led()

Get the minimum led usage


The minimum led usage

inline constexpr auto get_max_led()

Get the maximum led usage


The maximum led usage

inline constexpr bool get_led(hid::page::leds led)

Get the LED value


led – The LED for which you want to get the value.


The true/false value of the LED.

inline constexpr bool get_led(int led_index)

Get the LED value


led_index – The LED for which you want to get the value. Should be between 1 and LED_COUNT, inclusive.


The true/false value of the LED.

inline constexpr auto get_report()

Get the output report as a vector of bytes


The report id is not included in the returned vector.


The output report as a vector of bytes.

inline constexpr void set_data(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Set the output report data from a vector of bytes


data – The data to set the output report to.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto get_descriptor()

Get the report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor


This is an incomplete descriptor, you will need to add it to a collection::application descriptor to create a complete report descriptor.

using namespace hid::page;
using namespace hid::rdf;
auto led_descriptor = gamepad_led_report.get_descriptor();
auto rdf_descriptor = descriptor(
auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(rdf_descriptor.begin(), rdf_descriptor.end());


The report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor.

Header File



doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “__attribute__” with arguments “None”. Candidate function could not be parsed. Parsing error is Error when parsing function declaration. If the function has no return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: struct [error at 6] struct espp::Gt911::GTInfo __attribute__ ((packed)) ——^ If the function has a return type: Error in declarator or parameters-and-qualifiers If pointer to member declarator: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 51] struct espp::Gt911::GTInfo __attribute__ ((packed)) —————————————————^ If declarator-id: Invalid C++ declaration: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 51] struct espp::Gt911::GTInfo __attribute__ ((packed)) —————————————————^


template<uint8_t REPORT_ID = 0x30>
class SwitchProGamepadInputReport : public hid::report::base<hid::report::type::INPUT, 0x30>

HID Switch Pro Gamepad Input Report

This class implements a HID Switch Pro Gamepad Input Report. It supports 15 buttons, a d-pad, 4 joystick axes and two trigger buttons. It supports setting the buttons, d-pad, joysticks, and triggers, as well as serializing the input report and getting the report descriptor.

HID-RP Example

  static constexpr uint8_t input_report_id = 1;
  static constexpr uint8_t battery_report_id = 4;
  static constexpr size_t num_buttons = 15;
  static constexpr int joystick_min = 0;
  static constexpr int joystick_max = 65535;
  static constexpr int trigger_min = 0;
  static constexpr int trigger_max = 1023;

  using GamepadInput =
      espp::GamepadInputReport<num_buttons, std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, joystick_min,
                               joystick_max, trigger_min, trigger_max, input_report_id>;
  GamepadInput gamepad_input_report;

  using XboxInput = espp::XboxGamepadInputReport<input_report_id>;
  XboxInput xbox_input_report;

  using BatteryReport = espp::XboxBatteryInputReport<battery_report_id>;
  BatteryReport battery_input_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t led_output_report_id = 2;
  static constexpr size_t num_leds = 4;
  using GamepadLeds = espp::GamepadLedOutputReport<num_leds, led_output_report_id>;
  GamepadLeds gamepad_leds_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t rumble_output_report_id = 3;
  using RumbleReport = espp::XboxRumbleOutputReport<rumble_output_report_id>;
  RumbleReport rumble_output_report;

  using namespace hid::page;
  using namespace hid::rdf;
  auto raw_descriptor = descriptor(usage_page<generic_desktop>(), usage(generic_desktop::GAMEPAD),

  // Generate the report descriptor for the gamepad
  auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(raw_descriptor.begin(), raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", descriptor.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#04X}", descriptor);

  using SwitchProInput = espp::SwitchProGamepadInputReport<>;
  SwitchProInput switch_pro_input_report;
  logger.info("{}", switch_pro_input_report);
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Size: {}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report().size());
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Data: {::#04X}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report());

  auto sp_raw_descriptor = espp::switch_pro_descriptor();
  auto sp_descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(sp_raw_descriptor.begin(), sp_raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Switch Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", sp_descriptor.size());
  std::string str = "";
  for (auto &byte : sp_descriptor) {
    str += fmt::format("0x{:02X}, ", byte);
  logger.info("  Data: [{}]", str);

  GamepadInput::Hat hat = GamepadInput::Hat::UP_RIGHT;
  int button_index = 5;
  float angle = 2.0f * M_PI * button_index / num_buttons;

  // update the gamepad input report
  logger.info("{}", gamepad_input_report);
  gamepad_input_report.set_button(button_index, true);
  // joystick inputs are in the range [-1, 1] float
  gamepad_input_report.set_right_joystick(cos(angle), sin(angle));
  gamepad_input_report.set_left_joystick(sin(angle), cos(angle));
  // trigger inputs are in the range [0, 1] float

  button_index = (button_index % num_buttons) + 1;

  // send an input report
  auto report = gamepad_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Input report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

  // update the battery input report
  // note: it can only show 5, 40, 70, 100 so this will be rounded to 40

  // send a battery report
  report = battery_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Battery report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

Public Functions

constexpr SwitchProGamepadInputReport() = default

Construct a new Gamepad Input Report object.

inline constexpr void reset()

Reset the gamepad inputs.

inline constexpr void set_counter(uint8_t value)

Set the counter


value – The value to set the counter to.

inline constexpr void increment_counter()

Increment the counter.

inline constexpr uint8_t get_counter() const

Get the counter value


The counter value

inline constexpr void set_subcmd_ack(uint8_t ack)

Set the subcommand ACK


ack – The subcommand ACK to set

inline constexpr uint8_t get_subcmd_ack() const

Get the subcommand ACK


The subcommand ACK

inline constexpr void set_subcmd_id(uint8_t id)

Set the subcommand ID


id – The subcommand ID to set

inline constexpr uint8_t get_subcmd_id() const

Get the subcommand ID


The subcommand ID

inline constexpr void set_subcmd_reply(const std::vector<uint8_t> &reply)

Set the subcommand reply


reply – The subcommand reply to set

inline constexpr auto get_subcmd_reply() const

Get the subcommand reply


The subcommand reply

inline constexpr void set_left_joystick(float lx, float ly)

Set the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx – left joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ly – left joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void set_right_joystick(float rx, float ry)

Set the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx – right joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ry – right joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_left_joystick(float &lx, float &ly) const

Get the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx – left joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ly – left joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_left_joystick(JOYSTICK_TYPE &lx, JOYSTICK_TYPE &ly) const

Get the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx – left joystick x axis value

  • ly – left joystick y axis value

inline constexpr void get_right_joystick(float &rx, float &ry) const

Get the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx – right joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ry – right joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_right_joystick(JOYSTICK_TYPE &rx, JOYSTICK_TYPE &ry) const

Get the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx – right joystick x axis value

  • ry – right joystick y axis value

inline constexpr void set_brake(bool pressed)

Set the brake trigger value


pressed – Whether the brake trigger is pressed or not

inline constexpr void set_brake(float value)

Set the brake trigger value


value – The value to set the brake trigger to. Should be in the range [0, 1].

inline constexpr void set_accelerator(bool pressed)

Set the accelerator trigger value


pressed – Whether the accelerator trigger is pressed or not

inline constexpr void set_accelerator(float value)

Set the accelerator trigger value


value – The value to set the accelerator trigger to. Should be in the range [0, 1].

inline constexpr void get_brake(float &value) const

Get the brake trigger value


value – The value of the brake trigger

inline constexpr void get_accelerator(float &value) const

Get the accelerator trigger value


value – The value of the accelerator trigger

inline constexpr void set_battery_level(float level)

Set the battery level


level – battery level, in the range [0, 100]

inline constexpr void set_connection_info(uint8_t info)

Set the connection info


info – connection info

inline constexpr void set_dpad(bool up, bool down, bool left, bool right)

Set the dpad value

  • up – up dpad value

  • down – down dpad value

  • left – left dpad value

  • right – right dpad value

template<SwitchProButtonStruct T>
inline constexpr void set_buttons(const T &buttons)

Set the buttons


buttons – The struct containing the button values

template<SwitchProButtonStruct T>
inline constexpr void get_buttons(T &t) const

Get the button values


t – The struct to fill with the button values

inline constexpr void get_dpad(bool &up, bool &down, bool &left, bool &right) const

Get the dpad value

  • up – up dpad value

  • down – down dpad value

  • left – left dpad value

  • right – right dpad value

inline constexpr void set_button(int button_index, bool value)

Set the button value

  • button_index – The button for which you want to set the value. Should be between 1 and 24, inclusive.

  • value – The true/false value you want to se the button to.

inline constexpr bool get_button(int button_index) const

Get the button value


button_index – The button for which you want to get the value. Should be between 1 and 24, inclusive.


The true/false value of the button.

inline constexpr void set_trigger_axis(size_t index, float value)

Set the trigger axis value


The value should be in the range [0, 1].

  • index – The index of the trigger axis to set. Should be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the trigger axis to.

inline constexpr void set_trigger_axis(size_t index, bool pressed)

Set the trigger pressed value

  • index – The index of the trigger axis to set. Should be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • pressed – Whether the trigger is pressed or not

inline constexpr auto get_report() const

Get the input report as a vector of bytes


The report id is not included in the returned vector.


The input report as a vector of bytes.

inline constexpr void set_data(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Set the output report data from a vector of bytes


data – The data to set the output report to.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto get_descriptor()

Get the report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor


This is an incomplete descriptor, you will need to add it to a collection::application descriptor to create a complete report descriptor.


The report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor.

struct Accelerometer

Accelerometer data.

struct Gyroscope

Gyroscope data.

Header File


template<uint8_t REPORT_ID = 1>
class XboxGamepadInputReport : public espp::GamepadInputReport<15, std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, 0, 65535, 0, 1023, 1>

HID Xbox Gamepad Input Report

This class implements a HID Xbox Gamepad Report. It supports 15 buttons, a d-pad, 4 joystick axes, 2 trigger axes as well as consumer record button.

HID-RP Example

  static constexpr uint8_t input_report_id = 1;
  static constexpr uint8_t battery_report_id = 4;
  static constexpr size_t num_buttons = 15;
  static constexpr int joystick_min = 0;
  static constexpr int joystick_max = 65535;
  static constexpr int trigger_min = 0;
  static constexpr int trigger_max = 1023;

  using GamepadInput =
      espp::GamepadInputReport<num_buttons, std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, joystick_min,
                               joystick_max, trigger_min, trigger_max, input_report_id>;
  GamepadInput gamepad_input_report;

  using XboxInput = espp::XboxGamepadInputReport<input_report_id>;
  XboxInput xbox_input_report;

  using BatteryReport = espp::XboxBatteryInputReport<battery_report_id>;
  BatteryReport battery_input_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t led_output_report_id = 2;
  static constexpr size_t num_leds = 4;
  using GamepadLeds = espp::GamepadLedOutputReport<num_leds, led_output_report_id>;
  GamepadLeds gamepad_leds_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t rumble_output_report_id = 3;
  using RumbleReport = espp::XboxRumbleOutputReport<rumble_output_report_id>;
  RumbleReport rumble_output_report;

  using namespace hid::page;
  using namespace hid::rdf;
  auto raw_descriptor = descriptor(usage_page<generic_desktop>(), usage(generic_desktop::GAMEPAD),

  // Generate the report descriptor for the gamepad
  auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(raw_descriptor.begin(), raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", descriptor.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#04X}", descriptor);

  using SwitchProInput = espp::SwitchProGamepadInputReport<>;
  SwitchProInput switch_pro_input_report;
  logger.info("{}", switch_pro_input_report);
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Size: {}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report().size());
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Data: {::#04X}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report());

  auto sp_raw_descriptor = espp::switch_pro_descriptor();
  auto sp_descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(sp_raw_descriptor.begin(), sp_raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Switch Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", sp_descriptor.size());
  std::string str = "";
  for (auto &byte : sp_descriptor) {
    str += fmt::format("0x{:02X}, ", byte);
  logger.info("  Data: [{}]", str);

  GamepadInput::Hat hat = GamepadInput::Hat::UP_RIGHT;
  int button_index = 5;
  float angle = 2.0f * M_PI * button_index / num_buttons;

  // update the gamepad input report
  logger.info("{}", gamepad_input_report);
  gamepad_input_report.set_button(button_index, true);
  // joystick inputs are in the range [-1, 1] float
  gamepad_input_report.set_right_joystick(cos(angle), sin(angle));
  gamepad_input_report.set_left_joystick(sin(angle), cos(angle));
  // trigger inputs are in the range [0, 1] float

  button_index = (button_index % num_buttons) + 1;

  // send an input report
  auto report = gamepad_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Input report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

  // update the battery input report
  // note: it can only show 5, 40, 70, 100 so this will be rounded to 40

  // send a battery report
  report = battery_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Battery report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

Public Types

enum class Hat

Possible Hat switch directions.


enumerator CENTERED

Centered, no direction pressed.

enumerator UP
enumerator UP_RIGHT
enumerator RIGHT
enumerator DOWN_RIGHT
enumerator DOWN
enumerator DOWN_LEFT
enumerator LEFT
enumerator UP_LEFT

Public Functions

template<XboxButtonStruct T>
inline constexpr void set_buttons(const T &buttons)

Set the buttons


buttons – The struct containing the button values

template<XboxButtonStruct T>
inline constexpr void get_buttons(T &t) const

Get the button values


t – The struct to fill with the button values

inline constexpr void reset()

Reset the gamepad inputs.

inline constexpr void get_left_joystick(float &lx, float &ly) const

Get the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx[out] left joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ly[out] left joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_left_joystick(JOYSTICK_TYPE &lx, JOYSTICK_TYPE &ly) const

Get the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx[out] left joystick x axis value

  • ly[out] left joystick y axis value

inline constexpr void get_right_joystick(float &rx, float &ry) const

Get the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx[out] right joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ry[out] right joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_right_joystick(JOYSTICK_TYPE &rx, JOYSTICK_TYPE &ry) const

Get the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx[out] right joystick x axis value

  • ry[out] right joystick y axis value

inline constexpr void set_left_joystick(float lx, float ly)

Set the left joystick X and Y axis values

  • lx – left joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ly – left joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void set_right_joystick(float rx, float ry)

Set the right joystick X and Y axis values

  • rx – right joystick x axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

  • ry – right joystick y axis value, in the range [-1, 1]

inline constexpr void get_brake(float &value) const

Get the brake trigger value


value – brake trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void get_brake(TRIGGER_TYPE &value) const

Get the brake trigger value


brake trigger value

inline constexpr void set_brake(float value)

Set the brake trigger value


value – brake trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void set_accelerator(float value)

Set the accelerator trigger value


value – accelerator trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void get_accelerator(float &value) const

Get the accelerator trigger value


value – accelerator trigger value, in the range [0, 1]

inline constexpr void get_accelerator(TRIGGER_TYPE &value) const

Get the accelerator trigger value


accelerator trigger value

inline constexpr void set_hat(Hat hat)

Set the hat switch (d-pad) value


hat – Hat enum / direction to set

inline constexpr void set_hat(bool up, bool down, bool left, bool right)

Set the hat switch (d-pad) value

  • up – up direction

  • down – down direction

  • left – left direction

  • right – right direction

inline constexpr Hat get_hat() const

Get the hat switch (d-pad) value


Hat enum / direction

inline constexpr void get_hat(bool &up, bool &down, bool &left, bool &right) const

Get the hat switch (d-pad) value

  • up – up direction

  • down – down direction

  • left – left direction

  • right – right direction

inline constexpr void set_button(int button_index, bool value)

Set the button value

  • button_index – The button for which you want to set the value. Should be between 1 and BUTTON_COUNT, inclusive.

  • value – The true/false value you want to se the button to.

inline constexpr void set_joystick_axis(size_t index, JOYSTICK_TYPE value)

Set the joystick axis value


The value should be in the range [joystick_min, joystick_max].

  • index – The index of the joystick axis to set. Should be between 0 and 3, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the joystick axis to.

inline constexpr void set_joystick_axis(size_t index, float value)

Set the joystick axis value


The value should be in the range [-1, 1].

  • index – The index of the joystick axis to set. Should be between 0 and 3, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the joystick axis to.

inline constexpr void set_trigger_axis(size_t index, TRIGGER_TYPE value)

Set the trigger axis value


The value should be in the range [trigger_min, trigger_max].

  • index – The index of the trigger axis to set. Should be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the trigger axis to.

inline constexpr void set_trigger_axis(size_t index, float value)

Set the trigger axis value


The value should be in the range [0, 1].

  • index – The index of the trigger axis to set. Should be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

  • value – The value to set the trigger axis to.

inline constexpr bool get_button(int button_index) const

Get the button value


button_index – The button for which you want to get the value.


The true/false value of the button.

inline constexpr void set_hat_switch(Hat hat)

Set the hat switch value


hat – The hat switch value to set.

inline constexpr void set_hat_switch(std::uint8_t value)

Set the hat switch value


The value should match the values within the Hat enum.


value – The hat switch value to set.

inline constexpr bool get_consumer_record() const

Get the consumer record button value


The consumer record button value.

inline constexpr void set_consumer_record(bool value)

Set the consumer record button value


value – The true/false value you want to se the consumer record button to.

inline constexpr auto get_report() const

Get the input report as a vector of bytes


The report id is not included in the returned vector.


The input report as a vector of bytes.

inline constexpr void set_data(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Set the output report data from a vector of bytes


data – The data to set the output report to.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto get_descriptor()

Get the report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor


This is an incomplete descriptor, you will need to add it to a collection::application descriptor to create a complete report descriptor.

using namespace hid::page;
using namespace hid::rdf;
auto gamepad_descriptor = gamepad_input_report.get_descriptor();
auto rdf_descriptor = descriptor(
auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(rdf_descriptor.begin(), rdf_descriptor.end());


The report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_A_INDEX = {1}

The index of the A button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_B_INDEX = {2}

The index of the B button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_X_INDEX = {4}

The index of the X button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_Y_INDEX = {5}

The index of the Y button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_L1_INDEX = {7}

The index of the L1 button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_R1_INDEX = {8}

The index of the R1 button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_L2_INDEX = {9}

The index of the L2 button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_R2_INDEX = {10}

The index of the R2 button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_L3_INDEX = {14}

The index of the L3 button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_R3_INDEX = {15}

The index of the R3 button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_HOME_INDEX = {13}

The index of the Home button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_MENU_INDEX = {12}

The index of the Menu button.

static constexpr std::size_t BTN_OPTIONS_INDEX = {11}

The index of the Options button.

template<uint8_t REPORT_ID = 3>
class XboxRumbleOutputReport : public hid::report::base<hid::report::type::OUTPUT, 3>

HID Xbox Rumble Output Report

This class implements a HID Rumble Output Report providing rumble effect on the left and right motors, as well as serializing the output report and getting the report descriptor.

Public Functions

constexpr XboxRumbleOutputReport() = default

Construct a new Xbox Rumble Output Report object.

inline constexpr void reset()

Reset the rumble effect.

inline constexpr auto get_enabled()

Get the enabled mask for the rumble motors


The enabled mask for the rumble motors

inline constexpr void set_enabled(std::uint8_t new_enabled)

Set the enabled mask for the rumble motors


enabled – The enabled mask for the rumble motors

inline constexpr auto get_magnitude(std::size_t motor)

Get the magnitude of the rumble effect for the specified motor


motor – The motor for which you want to get the magnitude.


The magnitude of the rumble effect for the specified motor.

inline constexpr void set_magnitude(std::size_t motor, std::uint8_t value)

Set the magnitude of the rumble effect for the specified motor


The value should be in the range [0, 100].

  • motor – The motor for which you want to set the magnitude.

  • value – The magnitude of the rumble effect for the specified motor.

inline constexpr void set_magnitude(std::size_t motor, float value)

Set the magnitude of the rumble effect for the specified motor


The value should be in the range [0, 1].

  • motor – The motor for which you want to set the magnitude.

  • value – The magnitude of the rumble effect for the specified motor.

inline constexpr auto get_duration()

Get the duration of the rumble effect


The duration of the rumble effect

inline constexpr void set_duration(std::uint8_t value)

Set the duration of the rumble effect


The value should be in the range [0, 255].


value – The duration of the rumble effect.

inline constexpr auto get_start_delay()

Get the start delay of the rumble effect


The start delay of the rumble effect

inline constexpr void set_start_delay(std::uint8_t value)

Set the start delay of the rumble effect


The value should be in the range [0, 255].


value – The start delay of the rumble effect.

inline constexpr auto get_loop_count()

Get the loop count of the rumble effect


The loop count of the rumble effect

inline constexpr void set_loop_count(std::uint8_t value)

Set the loop count of the rumble effect


The value should be in the range [0, 255].


value – The loop count of the rumble effect.

inline constexpr auto get_report() const

Get the output report as a vector of bytes


The report id is not included in the returned vector.


The output report as a vector of bytes.

inline constexpr void set_data(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Set the output report data from a vector of bytes


data – The data to set the output report to.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto get_descriptor()

Get the report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor


This is an incomplete descriptor, you will need to add it to a collection::application descriptor to create a complete report descriptor.


The report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor.

template<uint8_t REPORT_ID = 4>
class XboxBatteryInputReport : public hid::report::base<hid::report::type::INPUT, 4>

HID Xbox Battery Input Report This class implements a copy of the Xbox Battery input report. It is a single byte input which contains information about the type of the battery, its battery level, as well as a few other things.

HID-RP Example

  static constexpr uint8_t input_report_id = 1;
  static constexpr uint8_t battery_report_id = 4;
  static constexpr size_t num_buttons = 15;
  static constexpr int joystick_min = 0;
  static constexpr int joystick_max = 65535;
  static constexpr int trigger_min = 0;
  static constexpr int trigger_max = 1023;

  using GamepadInput =
      espp::GamepadInputReport<num_buttons, std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t, joystick_min,
                               joystick_max, trigger_min, trigger_max, input_report_id>;
  GamepadInput gamepad_input_report;

  using XboxInput = espp::XboxGamepadInputReport<input_report_id>;
  XboxInput xbox_input_report;

  using BatteryReport = espp::XboxBatteryInputReport<battery_report_id>;
  BatteryReport battery_input_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t led_output_report_id = 2;
  static constexpr size_t num_leds = 4;
  using GamepadLeds = espp::GamepadLedOutputReport<num_leds, led_output_report_id>;
  GamepadLeds gamepad_leds_report;

  static constexpr uint8_t rumble_output_report_id = 3;
  using RumbleReport = espp::XboxRumbleOutputReport<rumble_output_report_id>;
  RumbleReport rumble_output_report;

  using namespace hid::page;
  using namespace hid::rdf;
  auto raw_descriptor = descriptor(usage_page<generic_desktop>(), usage(generic_desktop::GAMEPAD),

  // Generate the report descriptor for the gamepad
  auto descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(raw_descriptor.begin(), raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", descriptor.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#04X}", descriptor);

  using SwitchProInput = espp::SwitchProGamepadInputReport<>;
  SwitchProInput switch_pro_input_report;
  logger.info("{}", switch_pro_input_report);
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Size: {}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report().size());
  logger.info("Switch Pro Input Report Data: {::#04X}", switch_pro_input_report.get_report());

  auto sp_raw_descriptor = espp::switch_pro_descriptor();
  auto sp_descriptor = std::vector<uint8_t>(sp_raw_descriptor.begin(), sp_raw_descriptor.end());

  logger.info("Switch Report Descriptor:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", sp_descriptor.size());
  std::string str = "";
  for (auto &byte : sp_descriptor) {
    str += fmt::format("0x{:02X}, ", byte);
  logger.info("  Data: [{}]", str);

  GamepadInput::Hat hat = GamepadInput::Hat::UP_RIGHT;
  int button_index = 5;
  float angle = 2.0f * M_PI * button_index / num_buttons;

  // update the gamepad input report
  logger.info("{}", gamepad_input_report);
  gamepad_input_report.set_button(button_index, true);
  // joystick inputs are in the range [-1, 1] float
  gamepad_input_report.set_right_joystick(cos(angle), sin(angle));
  gamepad_input_report.set_left_joystick(sin(angle), cos(angle));
  // trigger inputs are in the range [0, 1] float

  button_index = (button_index % num_buttons) + 1;

  // send an input report
  auto report = gamepad_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Input report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

  // update the battery input report
  // note: it can only show 5, 40, 70, 100 so this will be rounded to 40

  // send a battery report
  report = battery_input_report.get_report();
  logger.info("Battery report:");
  logger.info("  Size: {}", report.size());
  logger.info("  Data: {::#02X}", report);

Public Types

enum class Error

The possible errors for the battery.


enumerator NONE

No error.

enumerator BATTERY_LOW

The battery is low.


The battery is critically low.

Public Functions

inline constexpr void reset()

Reset the battery status.

inline constexpr void set_rechargeable(bool rechargeable)

Set whether the battery is rechargeable


rechargeable – True if the battery is rechargeable, false otherwise.

inline constexpr void set_battery_level(int level)

Set the battery level


level – The battery level as a percentage, from 0 to 100.

inline constexpr void set_cable_connected(bool connected)

Set whether the battery is connected to a cable


connected – True if the battery is connected to a cable, false otherwise.

inline constexpr void set_charging(bool charging)

Set whether the battery is charging


charging – True if the battery is charging, false otherwise.

inline constexpr void set_error(Error error)

Set the error state of the battery


error – The error state of the battery.

inline constexpr auto get_report() const

Get the input report as a vector of bytes


The report id is not included in the returned vector.


The input report as a vector of bytes.

inline constexpr auto set_data(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data)

Set the input report data from a vector of bytes


data – The data to set the input report to.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto get_descriptor()

Get the report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor


This is an incomplete descriptor, you will need to add it to a collection::application descriptor to create a complete report descriptor.


The report descriptor as a hid::rdf::descriptor.