Display Drivers

ESPP contains a few different display drivers in the display_drivers component, corresponding to common display drivers on espressif development boards.

API Reference

Header File


class Gc9a01

Display driver for the GC9A01 display controller.

This code is modified from https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl_esp32_drivers/blob/master/lvgl_tft/GC9A01.c

See also: https://github.com/espressif/esp-bsp/blob/master/components/lcd/esp_lcd_gc9a01/esp_lcd_gc9a01.c

SmartKnob Config

  static constexpr std::string_view dev_kit = "Smartknob-HA";
  int clock_speed = 80 * 1000 * 1000;
  gpio_num_t mosi = GPIO_NUM_6;
  gpio_num_t sclk = GPIO_NUM_5;
  gpio_num_t spics = GPIO_NUM_15;
  gpio_num_t reset = GPIO_NUM_4;
  gpio_num_t dc_pin = (gpio_num_t)DC_PIN_NUM;
  gpio_num_t backlight = GPIO_NUM_7;
  size_t width = 240;
  size_t height = 240;
  size_t pixel_buffer_size = width * 50;
  bool backlight_on_value = true;
  bool reset_value = false;
  bool invert_colors = true;
  int offset_x = 0;
  int offset_y = 0;
  bool mirror_x = true;
  bool mirror_y = true;
  auto rotation = espp::DisplayRotation::LANDSCAPE;

Gc9a01 Example

    // create the spi host
    spi_bus_config_t buscfg;
    memset(&buscfg, 0, sizeof(buscfg));
    buscfg.mosi_io_num = mosi;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = miso;
    buscfg.data2_io_num = data2;
    buscfg.data3_io_num = data3;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadwp_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadhd_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.sclk_io_num = sclk;
    buscfg.max_transfer_sz = (int)(pixel_buffer_size * sizeof(lv_color_t));
    // create the spi device
    spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg;
    memset(&devcfg, 0, sizeof(devcfg));
    devcfg.mode = 0;
    devcfg.clock_speed_hz = clock_speed;
    devcfg.input_delay_ns = 0;
    devcfg.spics_io_num = spics;
    devcfg.queue_size = spi_queue_size;
    devcfg.flags = SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX;
    devcfg.command_bits = 8;
    devcfg.address_bits = 24;
    devcfg.pre_cb = lcd_spi_pre_transfer_callback;
    devcfg.post_cb = lcd_spi_post_transfer_callback;
    esp_err_t ret;
    // Initialize the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_initialize(spi_num, &buscfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO);
    // Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_add_device(spi_num, &devcfg, &spi);

    // initialize the controller
        .write_command = write_command,
        .lcd_send_lines = lcd_send_lines,
        .reset_pin = reset,
        .data_command_pin = dc_pin,
        .reset_value = reset_value,
        .invert_colors = invert_colors,
        .offset_x = offset_x,
        .offset_y = offset_y,
        .mirror_x = mirror_x,
        .mirror_y = mirror_y,
    // initialize the display / lvgl
    auto display = std::make_shared<Display>(
        Display::LvglConfig{.width = width,
                            .height = height,
                            .flush_callback = DisplayDriver::flush,
                            .rotation_callback = DisplayDriver::rotate,
                            .rotation = rotation},
        Display::OledConfig{.set_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::set_brightness,
                            .get_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::get_brightness},
        Display::LcdConfig{.backlight_pin = backlight, .backlight_on_value = backlight_on_value},
        Display::DynamicMemoryConfig{.pixel_buffer_size = pixel_buffer_size,
                                     .double_buffered = true});


    // initialize the gui
    Gui gui({});
    size_t iterations = 0;
    while (true) {
      auto label = fmt::format("Iterations: {}", iterations);
      gui.set_meter(iterations % 100);

Public Static Functions

static inline void initialize(const display_drivers::Config &config)

Store the config data and send the initialization commands to the display controller.


config – display_drivers::Config structure

static inline void rotate(const DisplayRotation &rotation)

Set the display rotation.


rotation – New display rotation.

static inline void flush(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

static inline void set_drawing_area(const lv_area_t *area)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.


*area – Pointer to lv_area_t strcuture with start/end x/y coordinates.

static inline void set_drawing_area(size_t xs, size_t ys, size_t xe, size_t ye)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.

  • xs – Starting x coordinate of the area.

  • ys – Starting y coordinate of the area.

  • xe – Ending x coordinate of the area.

  • ye – Ending y coordinate of the area.

static inline void fill(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map, uint32_t flags = 0)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

  • flags – uint32_t user data / flags to pass to the lcd_write transfer function.

static inline void clear(size_t x, size_t y, size_t width, size_t height, uint16_t color = 0x0000)

Clear the display area, filling it with the provided color.

  • x – X coordinate of the upper left corner of the display area.

  • y – Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the display area.

  • width – Width of the display area to clear.

  • height – Height of the display area to clear.

  • color – 16 bit color (default 0x0000) to fill with.

static inline void send_commands(std::span<const display_drivers::DisplayInitCmd<>> commands)

Send the provided commands to the display controller.


commands – Array of display_drivers::LcdInitCmd structures.

static inline void set_offset(int x, int y)

Set the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This modifies internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – New starting x coordinate (so writing to x address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

  • y – New starting y coordinate (so writing to y address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

static inline void get_offset(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

static inline void get_offset_rotated(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display after rotation.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

Header File


class Ili9341

Display driver for the ILI9341 display controller.

This code is modified from https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl_esp32_drivers/blob/master/lvgl_tft/ili9341.c and https://github.com/espressif/esp-dev-kits/blob/master/esp32-s2-hmi-devkit-1/components/screen/controller_driver/ili9341/ili9341.c

See also: https://github.com/espressif/esp-bsp/blob/master/components/lcd/esp_lcd_ili9341/esp_lcd_ili9341.c


  static constexpr std::string_view dev_kit = "ESP-WROVER-DevKit";
  int clock_speed = 20 * 1000 * 1000;
  gpio_num_t mosi = GPIO_NUM_23;
  gpio_num_t sclk = GPIO_NUM_19;
  gpio_num_t spics = GPIO_NUM_22;
  gpio_num_t reset = GPIO_NUM_18;
  gpio_num_t dc_pin = (gpio_num_t)DC_PIN_NUM;
  gpio_num_t backlight = GPIO_NUM_5;
  size_t width = 320;
  size_t height = 240;
  size_t pixel_buffer_size = 16384;
  bool backlight_on_value = false;
  bool reset_value = false;
  bool invert_colors = false;
  int offset_x = 0;
  int offset_y = 0;
  bool mirror_x = false;
  bool mirror_y = false;
  auto rotation = espp::DisplayRotation::LANDSCAPE;

ili9341 Example

    // create the spi host
    spi_bus_config_t buscfg;
    memset(&buscfg, 0, sizeof(buscfg));
    buscfg.mosi_io_num = mosi;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = miso;
    buscfg.data2_io_num = data2;
    buscfg.data3_io_num = data3;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadwp_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadhd_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.sclk_io_num = sclk;
    buscfg.max_transfer_sz = (int)(pixel_buffer_size * sizeof(lv_color_t));
    // create the spi device
    spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg;
    memset(&devcfg, 0, sizeof(devcfg));
    devcfg.mode = 0;
    devcfg.clock_speed_hz = clock_speed;
    devcfg.input_delay_ns = 0;
    devcfg.spics_io_num = spics;
    devcfg.queue_size = spi_queue_size;
    devcfg.flags = SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX;
    devcfg.command_bits = 8;
    devcfg.address_bits = 24;
    devcfg.pre_cb = lcd_spi_pre_transfer_callback;
    devcfg.post_cb = lcd_spi_post_transfer_callback;
    esp_err_t ret;
    // Initialize the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_initialize(spi_num, &buscfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO);
    // Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_add_device(spi_num, &devcfg, &spi);

    // initialize the controller
        .write_command = write_command,
        .lcd_send_lines = lcd_send_lines,
        .reset_pin = reset,
        .data_command_pin = dc_pin,
        .reset_value = reset_value,
        .invert_colors = invert_colors,
        .offset_x = offset_x,
        .offset_y = offset_y,
        .mirror_x = mirror_x,
        .mirror_y = mirror_y,
    // initialize the display / lvgl
    auto display = std::make_shared<Display>(
        Display::LvglConfig{.width = width,
                            .height = height,
                            .flush_callback = DisplayDriver::flush,
                            .rotation_callback = DisplayDriver::rotate,
                            .rotation = rotation},
        Display::OledConfig{.set_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::set_brightness,
                            .get_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::get_brightness},
        Display::LcdConfig{.backlight_pin = backlight, .backlight_on_value = backlight_on_value},
        Display::DynamicMemoryConfig{.pixel_buffer_size = pixel_buffer_size,
                                     .double_buffered = true});


    // initialize the gui
    Gui gui({});
    size_t iterations = 0;
    while (true) {
      auto label = fmt::format("Iterations: {}", iterations);
      gui.set_meter(iterations % 100);

Public Static Functions

static inline void initialize(const display_drivers::Config &config)

Store the config data and send the initialization commands to the display controller.


config – display_drivers::Config structure

static inline void rotate(const DisplayRotation &rotation)

Set the display rotation.


rotation – New display rotation.

static inline void flush(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

static inline void set_drawing_area(const lv_area_t *area)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.


*area – Pointer to lv_area_t strcuture with start/end x/y coordinates.

static inline void set_drawing_area(size_t xs, size_t ys, size_t xe, size_t ye)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.

  • xs – Starting x coordinate of the area.

  • ys – Starting y coordinate of the area.

  • xe – Ending x coordinate of the area.

  • ye – Ending y coordinate of the area.

static inline void fill(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map, uint32_t flags = 0)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

  • flags – uint32_t user data / flags to pass to the lcd_write transfer function.

static inline void clear(size_t x, size_t y, size_t width, size_t height, uint16_t color = 0x0000)

Clear the display area, filling it with the provided color.

  • x – X coordinate of the upper left corner of the display area.

  • y – Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the display area.

  • width – Width of the display area to clear.

  • height – Height of the display area to clear.

  • color – 16 bit color (default 0x0000) to fill with.

static inline void send_commands(std::span<const display_drivers::DisplayInitCmd<>> commands)

Send the provided commands to the display controller.


commands – Array of display_drivers::LcdInitCmd structures.

static inline void set_offset(int x, int y)

Set the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This modifies internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – New starting x coordinate (so writing to x address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

  • y – New starting y coordinate (so writing to y address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

static inline void get_offset(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

static inline void get_offset_rotated(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display after rotation.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

Header File


class St7789

Display driver for the ST7789 display controller.

This code is modified from https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl_esp32_drivers/blob/master/lvgl_tft/st7789.c and https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI/blob/master/TFT_Drivers/ST7789_Defines.h

See also: https://github.com/espressif/esp-who/blob/master/components/screen/controller_driver/st7789/st7789.c or https://github.com/espressif/tflite-micro-esp-examples/blob/master/components/screen/controller_driver/st7789/st7789.c or https://esphome.io/api/st7789v_8h_source.html or https://github.com/mireq/esp32-st7789-demo/blob/master/components/st7789/include/st7789.h or https://github.com/mireq/esp32-st7789-demo/blob/master/components/st7789/st7789.c

TTGO St7789 Config

  static constexpr std::string_view dev_kit = "TTGO T-Display";
  int clock_speed = 60 * 1000 * 1000;
  gpio_num_t mosi = GPIO_NUM_19;
  gpio_num_t sclk = GPIO_NUM_18;
  gpio_num_t spics = GPIO_NUM_5;
  gpio_num_t reset = GPIO_NUM_23;
  gpio_num_t dc_pin = (gpio_num_t)DC_PIN_NUM;
  gpio_num_t backlight = GPIO_NUM_4;
  size_t width = 240;
  size_t height = 135;
  size_t pixel_buffer_size = 12800;
  bool backlight_on_value = false;
  bool reset_value = false;
  bool invert_colors = false;
  int offset_x = 40;
  int offset_y = 53;
  bool mirror_x = false;
  bool mirror_y = false;
  auto rotation = espp::DisplayRotation::PORTRAIT;

ESP32-S3-BOX St7789 Config

  static constexpr std::string_view dev_kit = "ESP32-S3-BOX";
  int clock_speed = 60 * 1000 * 1000;
  gpio_num_t mosi = GPIO_NUM_6;
  gpio_num_t sclk = GPIO_NUM_7;
  gpio_num_t spics = GPIO_NUM_5;
  gpio_num_t reset = GPIO_NUM_48;
  gpio_num_t dc_pin = (gpio_num_t)DC_PIN_NUM;
  gpio_num_t backlight = GPIO_NUM_45;
  size_t width = 320;
  size_t height = 240;
  size_t pixel_buffer_size = width * 50;
  bool backlight_on_value = true;
  bool reset_value = false;
  bool invert_colors = true;
  int offset_x = 0;
  int offset_y = 0;
  bool mirror_x = true;
  bool mirror_y = true;
  auto rotation = espp::DisplayRotation::LANDSCAPE;

st7789 Example

    // create the spi host
    spi_bus_config_t buscfg;
    memset(&buscfg, 0, sizeof(buscfg));
    buscfg.mosi_io_num = mosi;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = miso;
    buscfg.data2_io_num = data2;
    buscfg.data3_io_num = data3;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadwp_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadhd_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.sclk_io_num = sclk;
    buscfg.max_transfer_sz = (int)(pixel_buffer_size * sizeof(lv_color_t));
    // create the spi device
    spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg;
    memset(&devcfg, 0, sizeof(devcfg));
    devcfg.mode = 0;
    devcfg.clock_speed_hz = clock_speed;
    devcfg.input_delay_ns = 0;
    devcfg.spics_io_num = spics;
    devcfg.queue_size = spi_queue_size;
    devcfg.flags = SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX;
    devcfg.command_bits = 8;
    devcfg.address_bits = 24;
    devcfg.pre_cb = lcd_spi_pre_transfer_callback;
    devcfg.post_cb = lcd_spi_post_transfer_callback;
    esp_err_t ret;
    // Initialize the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_initialize(spi_num, &buscfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO);
    // Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_add_device(spi_num, &devcfg, &spi);

    // initialize the controller
        .write_command = write_command,
        .lcd_send_lines = lcd_send_lines,
        .reset_pin = reset,
        .data_command_pin = dc_pin,
        .reset_value = reset_value,
        .invert_colors = invert_colors,
        .offset_x = offset_x,
        .offset_y = offset_y,
        .mirror_x = mirror_x,
        .mirror_y = mirror_y,
    // initialize the display / lvgl
    auto display = std::make_shared<Display>(
        Display::LvglConfig{.width = width,
                            .height = height,
                            .flush_callback = DisplayDriver::flush,
                            .rotation_callback = DisplayDriver::rotate,
                            .rotation = rotation},
        Display::OledConfig{.set_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::set_brightness,
                            .get_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::get_brightness},
        Display::LcdConfig{.backlight_pin = backlight, .backlight_on_value = backlight_on_value},
        Display::DynamicMemoryConfig{.pixel_buffer_size = pixel_buffer_size,
                                     .double_buffered = true});


    // initialize the gui
    Gui gui({});
    size_t iterations = 0;
    while (true) {
      auto label = fmt::format("Iterations: {}", iterations);
      gui.set_meter(iterations % 100);

Public Static Functions

static inline void initialize(const display_drivers::Config &config)

Store the config data and send the initialization commands to the display controller.


config – display_drivers::Config structure

static inline void rotate(const DisplayRotation &rotation)

Set the display rotation.


rotation – New display rotation.

static inline void flush(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

static inline void set_drawing_area(const lv_area_t *area)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.


*area – Pointer to lv_area_t strcuture with start/end x/y coordinates.

static inline void set_drawing_area(size_t xs, size_t ys, size_t xe, size_t ye)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.

  • xs – Starting x coordinate of the area.

  • ys – Starting y coordinate of the area.

  • xe – Ending x coordinate of the area.

  • ye – Ending y coordinate of the area.

static inline void fill(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map, uint32_t flags = 0)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

  • flags – uint32_t user data / flags to pass to the lcd_write transfer function.

static inline void clear(size_t x, size_t y, size_t width, size_t height, uint16_t color = 0x0000)

Clear the display area, filling it with the provided color.

  • x – X coordinate of the upper left corner of the display area.

  • y – Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the display area.

  • width – Width of the display area to clear.

  • height – Height of the display area to clear.

  • color – 16 bit color (default 0x0000) to fill with.

static inline void send_commands(std::span<const display_drivers::DisplayInitCmd<>> commands)

Send the provided commands to the display controller.


commands – Array of display_drivers::LcdInitCmd structures.

static inline void set_offset(int x, int y)

Set the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This modifies internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – New starting x coordinate (so writing to x address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

  • y – New starting y coordinate (so writing to y address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

static inline void get_offset(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

static inline void get_offset_rotated(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display after rotation.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

Header File


class Sh8601

Display driver for the SH8601 display controller.

This code is based off this datasheet: https://dl.espressif.com/AE/esp-iot-solution/SH8601A0_DataSheet_Preliminary_V0.0_UCS__191107_1_.pdf

SmartKnob Config

  static constexpr std::string_view dev_kit = "Lilygo T-Encoder-Pro";
  int clock_speed = 80 * 1000 * 1000;
  constexpr gpio_num_t mosi = GPIO_NUM_11;
  constexpr gpio_num_t miso = GPIO_NUM_13;
  constexpr gpio_num_t data2 = GPIO_NUM_7;
  constexpr gpio_num_t data3 = GPIO_NUM_14;
  constexpr gpio_num_t sclk = GPIO_NUM_12;
  constexpr gpio_num_t spics = GPIO_NUM_10;
  constexpr gpio_num_t reset = GPIO_NUM_4;
  constexpr gpio_num_t enable = GPIO_NUM_3;
  constexpr size_t width = 390;
  constexpr size_t height = 390;
  constexpr size_t pixel_buffer_size = width * height / 10;

  bool reset_value = false;
  bool invert_colors = false;
  int offset_x = 0;
  int offset_y = 0;
  bool mirror_x = false;
  bool mirror_y = false;
  auto rotation = espp::DisplayRotation::LANDSCAPE;

Sh8601 Example

    // create the spi host
    spi_bus_config_t buscfg;
    memset(&buscfg, 0, sizeof(buscfg));
    buscfg.mosi_io_num = mosi;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = miso;
    buscfg.data2_io_num = data2;
    buscfg.data3_io_num = data3;
    buscfg.miso_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadwp_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.quadhd_io_num = -1;
    buscfg.sclk_io_num = sclk;
    buscfg.max_transfer_sz = (int)(pixel_buffer_size * sizeof(lv_color_t));
    // create the spi device
    spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg;
    memset(&devcfg, 0, sizeof(devcfg));
    devcfg.mode = 0;
    devcfg.clock_speed_hz = clock_speed;
    devcfg.input_delay_ns = 0;
    devcfg.spics_io_num = spics;
    devcfg.queue_size = spi_queue_size;
    devcfg.flags = SPI_DEVICE_HALFDUPLEX;
    devcfg.command_bits = 8;
    devcfg.address_bits = 24;
    devcfg.pre_cb = lcd_spi_pre_transfer_callback;
    devcfg.post_cb = lcd_spi_post_transfer_callback;
    esp_err_t ret;
    // Initialize the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_initialize(spi_num, &buscfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO);
    // Attach the LCD to the SPI bus
    ret = spi_bus_add_device(spi_num, &devcfg, &spi);

    // initialize the controller
        .write_command = write_command,
        .lcd_send_lines = lcd_send_lines,
        .reset_pin = reset,
        .data_command_pin = dc_pin,
        .reset_value = reset_value,
        .invert_colors = invert_colors,
        .offset_x = offset_x,
        .offset_y = offset_y,
        .mirror_x = mirror_x,
        .mirror_y = mirror_y,
    // initialize the display / lvgl
    auto display = std::make_shared<Display>(
        Display::LvglConfig{.width = width,
                            .height = height,
                            .flush_callback = DisplayDriver::flush,
                            .rotation_callback = DisplayDriver::rotate,
                            .rotation = rotation},
        Display::OledConfig{.set_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::set_brightness,
                            .get_brightness_callback = DisplayDriver::get_brightness},
        Display::LcdConfig{.backlight_pin = backlight, .backlight_on_value = backlight_on_value},
        Display::DynamicMemoryConfig{.pixel_buffer_size = pixel_buffer_size,
                                     .double_buffered = true});


    // initialize the gui
    Gui gui({});
    size_t iterations = 0;
    while (true) {
      auto label = fmt::format("Iterations: {}", iterations);
      gui.set_meter(iterations % 100);

Public Static Functions

static inline void initialize(const display_drivers::Config &config)

Store the config data and send the initialization commands to the display controller.


config – display_drivers::Config structure

static inline void rotate(const DisplayRotation &rotation)

Set the display rotation.


rotation – New display rotation.

static inline void flush(lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *color_map)

Flush the pixel data for the provided area to the display.

  • *drv – Pointer to the LVGL display driver.

  • *area – Pointer to the structure describing the pixel area.

  • *color_map – Pointer to array of colors to flush to the display.

static inline void set_drawing_area(const lv_area_t *area)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.


area – Pointer to lv_area_t strcuture with start/end x/y coordinates.

static inline void set_drawing_area(size_t xs, size_t ys, size_t xe, size_t ye)

Set the drawing area for the display, resets the cursor to the starting position of the area.

  • xs – Starting x coordinate of the area.

  • ys – Starting y coordinate of the area.

  • xe – Ending x coordinate of the area.

  • ye – Ending y coordinate of the area.

static inline void set_offset(int x, int y)

Set the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This modifies internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – New starting x coordinate (so writing to x address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

  • y – New starting y coordinate (so writing to y address 0 later will actually write to this offset).

static inline void get_offset(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset().

static inline void get_offset_rotated(int &x, int &y)

Get the offset (upper left starting coordinate) of the display after rotation.


This returns internal variables that are used when sending coordinates / filling parts of the display.

  • x – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting x coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.

  • y – Reference variable that will be filled with the currently configured starting y coordinate that was provided in the config or set by set_offset(), updated for the current rotation.